Sunday, July 31, 2022

Daily Bible Reading for Monday, August 1, 2022

 The following Bible readings are taken from the website, If you follow this reading plan you will read through the whole Bible in one year. I highly encourage you to do so. Also, the sermons below each sections are ones that I have chosen from the website,

For Monday, August 1, 2022

2 Chronicles 30:1-31:21 (Audio)

Recommended sermons:

  1. When You Feel Unfit For Communion, by Rev. Jarrold H.  Lewis [Text: 2 Chronicles 30]
  2. Reform, by Pastor Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892) [Text: 2 Chronicles 31:1]

Romans 15:1-22 (Audio)

Recommended sermon: Coming in the Fullness of the Blessing of the Gospel of Christ, by Rev. David Kranendonk [Text: Romans 15]

Psalm 25 (Audio)

Recommended sermons: 

  1. Five Questions I Want to Ask God: Will You Really Guide Me? by Dr. Sinclair B. Ferguson [Text: Psalm 25]
  2. God Deals Graciously With His Covenant People, by Rev. Carl A. Schouls [Text: Psalm 25]

Recommended hymns based on Psalm 25:

  1.  Traditional: Unto Thee, O Lord Jehovah
  2.  Contemporary: Unto Thee, O Lord

Proverbs 20:13-15 (Audio)

Recommended sermon: 

  1. Booze, Boozers and Boozing, by Rev. Roger Higginson [Text: Proverbs 20:1]
  2. Deceived by Drink, by Dr. Mark Kelderman [Text: Proverbs 20:1]

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