Oliver Cromwell, by Jeff Young
I think it was Oliver Cromwell who once said: "You need not hope in order to undertake, and you need not succeed in order to persevere."
Oliver Cromwell, by Jeff Young
I think it was Oliver Cromwell who once said: "You need not hope in order to undertake, and you need not succeed in order to persevere."
When Government Tries to Be God, by Dr. David P. Murray
The text for this sermon is Acts 4:19 & 20: "But Peter and John answered and said unto them, Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye. 20For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard."
One Christian Organization who is helping victims of this earthquake is Samaritan's Purse.
Recommended reading:
We Have a Real UFO Problem, And it's Not Balloons - politico.com
I believe if there are "UFO", they are angels or demons or some other phenomenon that can be explained by the Bible. For further research on UFOs, check out the following:
Thousands of Canadian Children Are Dying Suddenly! Fully Vaxxed and Boosted Kids Unexpectedly Drop Dead - stewpeters.com
Recommended reading: Data of 72 Million Insured Shows "Sudden Unexpected Deaths" Exploded in Germany Since 2021 - vaccineimpact.com
"This is an explosive report out of Germany showing a massive increase in “sudden deaths” following COVID “vaccines” that has not received much exposure in the Alternative Media yet, because the sources are all in the German language."
For the best lecture on vaccines and vaccinations in general, listen to The Vaccine Wars, by Richard Holdeman, Ph.D. Here is a short excerpt from this lecture:
Prominent Democrat Identifies the 'Mark of the Beast' (Surprise, it's a MAGA Symbol!) - americanthinker.com
I don't know what the mark of the beast will look like - it may be some sort of chip that is implanted under your skin, but I doubt. It. A chip can be removed. Once a person takes the mark of the beast their fate is sealed - forever! The Bible says,
Revelation 13:16-18 says: "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."
How the Public was Captured by the Military Industrial Complex During the COVID Era - expose-news.com
Recommended video: Ron Paul: #AskRonPaul - Rising Inflation, The Military Industrial Complex, and The War in Ukraine
Recommended reading: Is the War in Ukraine a Money Laundering Scheme? - lewrockwell.com
Recommended podcast: Military Industrial Complex, by Robert W. Reed
If Reparations Are Owed, the Democrats Should Pay Them - americanthinker.com
Excerpt from this article:
"...there are certain responsible entities that existed then and now:
The Mission and Confirmation, by Joe W. Allen [Text: Exodus (Audio)]
Recommended Sermon: WSC #34-38: Benefits, More Benefits, by Dennis Prutow [Text: I Thessalonians 4:1 (Audio); 2 Corinthians 5:1, 6 & 8 (Audio)]
There Has Never In History Been a Greater Need for a Large Anti-War Movement - lewrockwell.com
Excerpt from this article:
"We’re all on a southbound bus to oblivion, and it’s showing no signs of stopping."
Maybe we could rewrite the following 3 anti-war songs and replace Vietnam with Ukraine:
If you're confused about who to vote for in the upcoming election, just say to yourself: A vote for a Democrat is a vote for another Vietnam!
Recommended reading: Treason: Liberal Treachery from the Cold War to the War on Terrorism, by Ann Coulter. Here is what Ann Coulter has to say about the Vietnam War:
Men in Drag Conquer New Frontier: Lesbian Dating Sites - americanthinker.com
Recommended sermon: Our Nation Laid in God's Balance, by Dr. Joel Beeke
The text for this sermon is Jeremiah 9:9: "Shall I not visit them for these things? saith the LORD: shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this?"
The ERA Has Just One Purpose Left: Abortion - cnsnews.com
The following sermons are by Dr. Stephen Pollock. His text is Psalm 139 (Audio)
Recommended reading:
DeSantis Signs Bill Killing Disney's "Corporate Kingdom" - zerohedge.com
Recommended video: Answers in Genesis: Christians, We Tried to Warn You... | Disney's Little Demon Reaction | Bryan Osborne
Recommended podcasts:
Supreme Court Lets Cops Use Cameras to Spy on Private Citizens Without a Warrant - wnd.com
The Bible says: "Obey every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake." - I Peter 2:13.
Recommended reading: You Have the Right to Remain Innocent - What Police Officers Tell Their Kids About the Fifth Amendment, by James Duane
Today's Headlines:
Send Someone Else, by Joe W. Allen [Text: Exodus (Audio)]
Recommended Sermons
One Christian Organization who is helping victims of this earthquake is Samaritan's Purse.
Recommended reading:
The Abortion Industry Built on a Foundation of Lies, by Jess Stanfield
The following sermons are by Dr. Stephen Pollock. His text is Psalm 139 (Audio)
Recommended reading:
Predestinated Unto Adoption, by Rev. Ralph Hall [Text: Ephesians]
Recommended sermon: The Decree of Reprobation, by Rev. Cornelis (Neil) Pronk [Text: Romans 9]
Watch: El Salvador Sends Thousands of Tattooed Gang Members to Mega-Prison - zerohedge.com
Yes, they probably need to go to prison. But I have to ask: Where is David Wilkerson when we need him?
Recommended books and videos:
Science: 28% Okay with Editing Human Embryo's Genes to Boost Chance of Top College Acceptance - cnsnews.com
Recommended podcasts:
8 Things the Mainstream Media is Strangely Quiet About Right Now - endoftheamericandream.com ---------------------------- Maybe they jus...