Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Daily Bible Reading for Wednesday, March 1, 2023

The following Bible readings are taken from the website, Oneyearbibleonline.com. If you follow this reading plan you will read through the whole Bible in one year. I highly encourage you to do so. Also, the sermons below each section are ones that I have chosen from the website, Sermonaudio.com.
  1. A Portrait of Life and Death, by Rev. Armen Thomassian [Text: Leviticus 24]
  2. The Great Jubilee, by Rev. Gordon Dane [Text: Leviticus 25]
Mark 10:13-31 (Audio):

Sermons on Mark 10:32-52 (Audio)
  1. The Blind Man, by Rev. Wiliam McCrea [Text: Mark 10]
  2. Marriage and Divorce, by Dr. R. C. Sproul (1939-2017) [Text: Mark 10:1-12]
  3. Marriage as it was Intended, by Dr. Mark Kelderman [Text: Mark 1:1-12]
Psalm 44:9-26 (Audio)

Sermon on Psalm 44: The Future of the Reformation, by Dr. Alan Cairns [Text: Psalm 44]

The following hymn is based on Psalm 44: O God We Have Heard

Proverbs 10:20 & 21 (Audio)

Here are some sermons on Proverbs 10:
  1. The Bible's Perspective on Summer Time?! by Rev. Hans Overduin (Text: Proverbs 10:5)
  2. Christ Manifests Himself to His People, He Does Not Reveal Himself Unto the World, by Pastor Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892) (Text: Proverbs 10:7; John 14:22)
  3. John Calvin - The Man, by Rev. Stephan Hamilton (Text: Proverbs 10:7)
  4. Luther After a Diet of Worms, by Rev. Stephan Hamilton (Text: Proverbs 10:7)

News Roundup and Comment

 News Roundup and Comment , by Jim Schneider of Crosstalk America