I'm 62 years old and only have $490,000 - How much can I spend per month if I retire today? - mns.com
I think a better question to ask is this: When am I going to die? If you know for certain that you will live another 40 years - and you know the world will still be around in 40 years, I suppose someone who is good with a calculator could give you a answer to your question. But since you can't answer my question, why don't you put off talking to a finance guy for a few days and read the following book by one of the Puritans (free online): The Sinfulness of Sin, Ralph Venning (1621-1643)
Here are some excerpts from this great little book:
"This day your soul may be taken from you, and you may be in hell tomorrow."
"It's as if the sinner should say to the Lord in the Day of Judgment, 'Have mercy on me.If they should then beg and say, 'Lord, if we must depart, let it be from Thy throne of judgment, but not from Thee.'
'Lord,' they say, 'seeing we must be gone, bless us before we go, that Thy blessing may be upon us.'
'Oh no,' says God, 'Go with a curse. Depart ye cursed.'
'Oh Lord, if we must go from Thee, let us not go into the place of torment, but appoint a place, if not of pleasure, then of ease.'
'No, depart into fire, burning and tormenting flames.'
'Oh Lord, if into fire, let it be only for a little while. For who can dwell in everlasting burning?'
'No! Neither you nor the fire shall know an end. Be gone into everlasting fire.'
'Lord, then let it be long before we go there.'
'No, depart immediately. The sentence shall be immediately put into execution.'
'Oh Lord, let us at least have good company who will pity us, though they cannot help us.'
'No, you shall have none but the tormenting devils. Those whom you obeyed when they were your tempters shall be with you as tormentors.'
What misery sin has brought on man to bring him to hear this dreadful doom."