Friday, November 1, 2024

Today in the News - Saturday, November 2, 2024

Today's Headlines

  1. As Christians Go to the Polls, We Must Remember, The Future of Our Country is at Stake -
  2. IDF Reveals 70% Hezbollah's Drones Have Been Destroyed -
  3. Boing Just Became the Latest Company to Scrap its Entire Diversity Department -
  4. Saudi Arabia's Smart City 'The Line': Big on Agenda 2030 and Big on Human Rights Violations and Worker's Deaths -
  5. House Oversight Chairman Comer Investigating FBI Over 'Quietly' Revising Crime Statistics -
  6. Watch: Tucker Carlson Interviews Donald Trump -
  7. The Tide Has Turned: Kamala Sinking Like a Lead Balloon; Trump Taking Off Like a Rocket -
  8. Is Social Media Actually "Media", Or is it Something Else, Or is it Something Else? -
  9. Moms Say No to Kamala Harris' Sex Changes and Hormone Cocktails for Children and Criminals -
  10. Ten Reasons to Vote for Donald Trump - 
  11. TV Exec Tells CNN's Brian Stelter The Inconvenient Truth: "Trump Victory Means MSM Dead in its Current Form."


  1. Dr. Naomi Wolf: The Pfizer Papers: Pfizer's Crimes Against Humanity -
  2. Paul Craig Roberts: How America Was Destroyed -
  3. Rep. John J Duncan Jr.: US Calls for Ceasefire But Still Supports War -
  4. Jerry Newcombe: That Pesky First Amendment -
  5. Tucker Carlson Goes Nuclear in Epic Takedown of Bias N.Y. Times Reporter -
  6. Tucker Carlson: Former CIA Officer Amaryliss Fox Kennedy: Iraq, JFK, and Everything Else Our Intel Agencies Lie About -
  7. Tucker Carlson: Tucker and Lifelong Dem on Why it's Essential to Punish and Humiliate the Democratic Party on Election Day -
  8. John Stossel: Play Time, Jail Time -
  9. Tyler Durden: An Unprecedented Monetary Destruction is Coming - 
  10. Katie Pavlich: DNC: The October Job Numbers Just Dropped and They Are Atrocious -
  11. Chuck Norris: Calling All Spiritual People to Vote - You Are the "Game Changer!" -
  12. Ben Shapiro: The Brat Energy is Gone -
  13. Cal Thomas: Mike Johnson as Clark Kent -
  14. Ann Coulter: Central Park Five: Be Careful What You Sue For -
  15. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Why I'm Suspending My Campaign -
  16. Ron Paul: Government Gaslights People About the Economy -
  17. Lew Rockwell: No Compromise with the Fed -
  18. David Stockman: Playing it Again - The Hitler Card  -
  19. Allen West: The Desperation of Kamala Harris -
  20. Larry Elder: Kamala's Closing Argument: 'I'm Obviously Not Joe Biden'
Earlier Headlines
  1. In a Win for GOP, Supreme Court Orders Hennepin County to Comply with Ballot Board Election Law -
  2. Lawsuit Filed After School Forces Fifth Graders to Recruit Kindergarteners into Gender Ideology - 
  3. Half-Ton Hezbollah Explosives Cache Found by IDF Beneath Lebanese Village -
  4. IDF Chief: If Iran Attacks Again, it Will Be Hit 'Very, Very Hard' -
  5. 'Yidden for Trump' Campaign Spreads Through Jewish Communities -
  6. The USDA Now Licensing DNA Vaccines in Our Food - X
  7. Polish Radio Mocked for Replacing Presenters with AI, and Interviewing Dead People -
  8. Southport's Bloody Coverup: How the UK Media and Government Betrayed Citizens to Protect Islam's Role in a Brutal Child Massacre -
  9. Canada's State Approved Euthanasia Program Disproportionately Poor and Disabled People -
  10. Now Even Leftists Confirm 'Problem' with Dominion Vote Machines -
  11. Migrants Say They're Not Coming if Trump is President -
  12. MSN Melts Down Over Trump's Garbage Truck Stunt -
  13. "It Did Occur": Kentucky County Clerk Confirms Voting Booth "Glitch" Shifted Trump Votes to Kamala -
  14. US Treasury: Funny Money Ponzi Scheme -
  15. Florida Dem Chair Warns Jews Are Turning Republican -

Franklin Graham Weighs in on Wildfires and God's Judgment on Hollywood

Franklin Graham Weighs in on Wildfires and God's Judgment on Hollywood  - ----------------------- Hollywood Mocks God, Th...