Monday, October 24, 2022

Today in the News - Tuesday, October 25, 2022

                                      Today's Headlines:

  1. Watch: Elite US Airborne Division "Practicing for War" Near Ukraine Border -
  2. Healthy American Musician Dies Through Assisted Suicide -
  3. NHS Makes a shocking Admission: In Many Cases Gender Dysphoria Disappears as Children Reach Puberty -
  4. The Entangled Matter Wave Interferometer: Now with Added Spookiness -
  5. Give Us This Day Our Daily Inflated Bread -
  6. US Military Forces 'Fully Prepared' to Cross into Ukraine -
  7. Transgender Surgery is Not Good Medicine -
  8. Is the Biden Administration Meddling with the Midterm Elections? -
  9. GOP Sues Google over Routing Donations Emails to Spam -
  10. The Fed Actually Reveals How Their Own Delusional Thinking Works, and Why That Almost Ensures a Worse Crash -
  11. Pfizer to Hike Price on COVID Jab 400% Amid Crashing Demand -
  1. Ann Coulter: Darkness at Dune: The Nightmare of Martha's Vinyard -
  2. Katie Pavlich: Clarence Thomas Puts a Hold on Lindsey Graham's Election Testimony -
  3. It's About the Double Standard -
  4. Allen West: The Progressive Socialist War on American Children -
  5. Ron Paul: Americans Suffer from Natural and Government created Disasters -
  6. "The Government Needs to Do A Lot Less Real Soon!" -
  7. Should We Seek an Off Ramp in Ukraine? -
  8. Michelle Malkin: The Great Parental Replacement -
  9. Andrew Napolitano: Taking Rights Seriously -
  10. Patrick Buchanan: Where US and Ukrainian War Aims Collide -
  11. Larry Elder: Iowa Republican Governor Attacked for 'Racists' Political Ad -
  12. Why We'll Continue to Have High and Sticky Inflation Ahead -
  13. David Stockman: Ben Bernanke's Risible Prize -

Armed Mom Takes on 3 Bad Guys with Gun in One Hand, Baby in the Other

    Armed Mom Takes on 3 Bad Guys with Gun in One Hand, Baby in the Other  - ------------------------------ Helen Ready  mu...