Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Today in the News - Wednesday, October 26, 202

                                       Today's Headlines:

  1. Russian TV Host Calls to Drown Ukraine Children - americanmilitarynews.com
  2. The Once Simmering Threat of Nuclear Weapons on a Modern Battlefield Has Begun to Boil - harbinerdaily.com
  3. UPI to Hide the Decline in Order to Promote Climate Change Agenda - hotair.com
  4. Russia Activates Forces Trained to Operate in Radioactive Contamination - westernjournal.com
  5. 100 Dutch Schools Forced to Serve Insects - freewestmedia.com
  6. Christians Who 'Audibly Pray', 'Recite Scripture', or 'Cross Themselves' in Abortion 'Safe Zones'  Face Prison - breitbart.com
  7. Fighting Woke Agenda: Tampon Maker Says 'Only Women Can Have Periods' - dailysignal.com
  8. Democrats are Now Hostage to the Transgender Extremists, and it's Going to Cost them Dearly - americanthinker.com
  9. China: Xi Gets Ready for Final Countdown - lewrockwell.com
  10. Dr. Robert Malone: Boston University Broke Rules by Creating COVID Strain With 80% Death Rate - naturalnews.com
  11. Christian Baker Sued for Refusing to Bake Cake for Same-Sex "Wedding" Triumphs in California Court - thenewamerican.com
  1. Ron Paul: Americans Suffer from Natural and Government created Disasters - lewrockwell.com
  2. "The Government Needs to Do A Lot Less Real Soon!" - lewrockwell.com
  3. Andrew Napolitano: Taking Rights Seriously - lewrockwell.com
  4. Why We'll Continue to Have High and Sticky Inflation Ahead - lewrockwell.com
  5. David Stockman: Ben Bernanke's Risible Prize - lewrockwell.com

Armed Mom Takes on 3 Bad Guys with Gun in One Hand, Baby in the Other

    Armed Mom Takes on 3 Bad Guys with Gun in One Hand, Baby in the Other  -  bearingarms.com ------------------------------ Helen Ready  mu...