Names That Live in Infamy - Woe to Them by Whom Offenses Come, by Pastor Kevin Swanson
Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Today in the News - Thursday, December 1, 2022
Today's Headlines:
- 'Life No Longer as We Know It': War in Space Would Have Devastating Effects, Military Experts Say -
- Canadian Fashion Firm Releases Ad Celebrating "Beauty" of Assisted Suicide -
- Studies Reveal There are Now 1 Million Followers of Jesus Worldwide of Jewish Descent -
- Katie Pavlich: Another Leftist Smear Goes Down in Flames -
- Katie Pavlich: Election Red Linings -
- Ben Shapiro: The Left's Cynical 'Speech is Violence' Ploy -
- Ann Coulter: A New Dawn: The End of Legal Discrimination -
- Ann Coulter: A Nation Rejoices! A Humiliating Defeat for Donald Trump -
- Patrick Buchanan: Democrats, Not Democracy, at Risk Today -
- Patrick Buchanan: Putin's "Winter War" on Ukraine -
- John Stossel: Inconvenient Facts About Electric Cars -
- Stephen Green: So Long, and Thanks for all the Judges -
- Andrew Napolitano: Thanksgiving in America -
- David Stockman: What History Tells Us About Taming Inflation -
- Larry Elder: A Pro-Abortion Advocate Made This Case Against Abortion -
Westminster Shorter Catechism Question & Answer #91-97
- Question: How do the sacraments become effectual means of salvation?
- Answer: The sacraments become effectual means of salvation, not from any virtue in them, or in him that doth \administer them; but only by the blessing of Christ, and the working of his Spirit in them that by faith receive them.
# 92
- Question: What is a sacrament?
- Answer: sacrament is an holy ordinance instituted by Christ; wherein, by sensible signs, Christ, and the benefits of the new covenant, are represented, sealed, and applied to believers.
- Question: Which are the sacraments of the New Testament?
- Answer: The sacraments of the New Testament are baptism and the Lord's supper.
# 94
- Question: What is baptism?
- Answer: Baptism is a sacrament, wherein the washing with water in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, doth signify and seal our ingrafting into Christ, and partaking of the benefits of the covenant of grace, and our engagement to be the Lord's.
- Question: To whom is baptism to be administered?
- Answer: Baptism is not to be administered to any that are out of the visible church, till they profess their faith in Christ, and obedience to him; but the infants of such as are members of the visible church are to be baptized.
# 96
- Question: What is the Lord's supper?
- Answer: The Lord's supper is a sacrament, wherein, by giving and receiving bread and wine according to Christ's appointment, his death is showed forth; and the worthy receivers are, not after a corporal and carnal manner, but by faith, made partakers of his body and blood, with all his benefits, to their spiritual nourishment and growth in grace.
- Question: What is required to the worthy receiving of the Lord's supper?
Answer: It is required of them that would worthily partake of the Lord's supper, that they examine themselves of their knowledge to discern the Lord's body, of their faith to feed upon him, of their repentance, love, and new obedience; lest, coming unworthily, they eat and drink judgment to themselves.
Recommended Sermons:
- WSC #91-97: The Sacraments: Summary and Review, Part 1, by Pastor J.D. Dusenbury [Text: Acts 2:37-42 (Audio)]
- WSC #91-97: The Sacraments: Summary and Review, Part 2, by Pastor J.D. Dusenbury [Text: Acts 2:37-42 (Audio)]We
Daily Bible Verse for Thursday, December 1, 2022
"But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness." - Romans 4:5 (Audio)
- Sola Fide: By Faith Alone, by Dr. Alan Cairns
- Justification by Faith, by Pastor Carl A. Schouls
- Exposing the False Gospel of Rome - Works, by Rev. Graeme Craig
- The Conundrum of the Gospel, by Rev. Allen Murray
Daily Bible Reading for Thursday, December 1, 2022
The following Bible readings are taken from the website, If you follow this reading plan you will read through the whole Bible in one year. I highly encourage you to do so. Also, the sermons below each section are ones that I have chosen from the website,
Sermons on Daniel 8:
- The Small Horn Prophecy, by Rev. John Sawtalle [Text: Daniel 8]
- The Time of the Antichrist, by James Hamilton, The Street Preacher [Text: Daniel 8:1-27]
"My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous..."
- Find Me a Good Lawyer, by Dr. David P. Murray
- Jesus Christ Our Advocate With the Father, by Rev. G. R. Procee
- Jesus Christ The Heavenly Advocate, by Pastor Carl A. Schouls
"And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world."
- Classic Charles Spurgeon Quotes on Christ, Christmas, Covenenters, Calvinism, Separation, Reading, Affliction, Atonement, etc.
- Particular Redemption: Terms to Be Considered Carefully, by Rev. Stephan Hamilton
"Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him."
- The Secret of Loving God, by Pastor Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892)
- The Expulsive Power of a New Affection, by Rev. Cornelis (Neil) Pronk
- How Believers Are Kept from the World, by Rev. Stephan Hamilton
Here are some sermons on Psalm 120:
- Life's a Mess, by Dr. Sinclair B. Ferguson (Text: Psalm 120)
- The Pope and Mohamed: Uncomfortable Comrades?, by Rev. Ian Brown (Text: Psalm 120:7; Jeremiah 6:23)
Here are some sermons on Proverbs 28:
- The Abominable Snowflakes, by Pastor Joey Faust (Text: Proverbs 28:1, Revelation 21:78) Note: If you like this sermon - and I do! - check out another sermon by pastor Faust on 1 Kings 18. The title of that sermon is titled Not a Jezebel State Church!
- Russia's Religious Criminal Codes, by Dr. Carl McIntire (1906 - 2002)(Text: Proverbs 28:28) Note: This sermon was preached in 1963.
- Communist Deception in America, by Dr. Carl McIntire (1906 - 2002)(Text: Proverbs 28:28) Note: This sermon was preached in 1963.
'Straight Up Evil': Top Paper Hammered for Praising Pedophile Film as "Brilliant"
'Straight Up Evil': Top Paper Hammered for Praising Pedophile Film as "Brilliant" -
Recommended video: Biden Border Crisis Child Crisis and Child Trafficking Cover-Up!
Recommended podcast: 2018: Taking on the Worst of Child Sex Trafficking - Child Rescues in Cambodia, Pastor Kevin Swanson interviews Jeff Brodsky of Joy International, and author of The Least of These: One Man's Remarkable Journey in the Fight Against Child Trafficking.
Recommended reading and podcast:
- 'Alarming and Disturbing': Every 24 Hours a Teacher is Arrested for Child Sex Crimes, Report Reveals -
- What to Do if You Suspect a Child is Being Sexually Abused -
- The Dirty Dozen - Big Tech and Child Trafficking, by Pastor Kevin Swanson
"Merry Christmas Mister. Hey, Mister, do you wanna party? Are you looking for a good time on Christmas Eve? It's $10 bucks for the Globe Hotel and $20 bucks for me Mister...I've got to stop crying. Nobody's gonna buy me if I'm crying. It's bad for the John's head. It ruins his fantasy when a kid he wants to buy has tears in her eyes.
“I feel like such a jerk, working the Cameo on Christmas Eve. People look at me real quick, and then look away – except the Johns. Bruce wants me to come to church on Christmas. He says God won't mind at all. In fact, He'd like to see me there, Bruce says.
“I'd be afraid. With these clothes on! Midnight mass would never be the same! Besides, I'd never be able to sing Silent Night without Crying. Imagine me, in church, singing Silent Night. God would laugh. Before He got mad, He would laugh.
“I wish I could call my mother. It would be nice to know if she's OK. It being Christmas and all. She'd want to know what I was doing and where I was, but she already knows. And it would spoil her Christmas to know I was alive. I wonder if she'd rather think that I was dead. Maybe I wouldn't hurt her so much then.
“She could go back to thinking how it used to be on Christmas. When I was little. Before I left. Before I ruined things. Before dad...I've got to stop crying. Blue fly will be really mad if he sees me crying. Bruce says I should come to Covenant House for Christmas. The place looks great, he says. Christmas trees and presents for the kids and a big turkey dinner.
“It's hard when it's somebody else's Christmas tree. You walk around all day thinking of the time when you had one all your own. When you had a family and you got presents, and you were with people who loved you and wanted to have you around.
“It's hard to get presents from somebody you hardly know. Who you never saw before yesterday. Who are just trying to make you feel good and happy. Sometimes it just makes it worse.
“It's Christmas, and everybody wants me to be happy. Except Blue Fly! He wants me to work the Cameo porn theatre and pick up 10 Johns. Maybe they'll feel sorry for me and give me some big tips – before they go home to their own wives and kids and decorate their own Christmas trees!
“I wonder what kind of presents they're gonna give the kids at Covenant House this year. I wonder if they'd let me in again. Bruce said he would. My pimp, Blue Fly, sure won't like it. He really hassled me the last time I went to Covenant House. He beat me real bad. I don't want to go through that again!
“I sure don't want to keep doing this, either. Maybe Bruce is right and God won't get mad at me at Christmas!”
Studies Reveal There are Now 1 Million Followers of Jesus Worldwide of Jewish Descent
- The 70 Weeks Prophecy, by Rev. John Sawtelle [Text: Daniel 9:20-27 (Audio)]
- The Restoration and Conversion of the Jews, by Pastor Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892) [Text: Romans 11:25-27; Ezekiel 37:1-10]
- Minyan Man, by The Maccabeats
- I'm A Jew and I'm Proud, by Benny Ivri Anochi
The Briefing for Wednesday, November 30, 2022
The Briefing for Wednesday, November 30, 2022, by Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
Jane Fonda is Preparing to Die
Jane Fonda is Preparing to Die -
Recommended podcast: The Coming Death of Just About All Rock and Roll Legends, by Dr. Paul J. Dean
Recommended sermon: I Saw the Dead, by Dr. David P. Murray.
The God of the Bible Kills People, by Evangelist Rolfe Barnard (1904-1969)
Note: I normally end my blog for the day by publishing a Charles Spurgeon titled Compel Them to Come In. Blogger decided to unpublish this sermon because it violated their community standards. Hopefully they will find the above sermon by Evangelist Rolfe Barnard more to their liking!
Tuesday, November 29, 2022
LGBT Agenda Swallowing Up The Nation
LGBT Agenda Swallowing Up The Nation, by Jim Schneider of Crosstalk America
Is the War in Ukraine a Money Laundering Scheme?
Is the War in Ukraine a Money Laundering Scheme? -
Recommended reading:
- U.S. to Send Ukraine an Additional $400 Million in Latest Package -
- Eu Accuses Washington of Making a Fortune on Ukraine War -
Also recommended: The Story of Our Ukrainian Friends, by Rev. David Park [Text: Matthew 25:31-46 (Audio)]
Note: This congregation sings the great missionary hymn, From Greenland's Icy Mountain. But they altered verse 2 to fit the current circumstances:
"Though raging war envelopes o'er Ukraine's fruitful plains
Dark Shadows gather daily and terror sadly reigns
The Savior will be honored, and His word is proclaimed
And sinners will be gathered, and gospel truth maintained."
Also recommended: A Christian Perspective on the War in Ukraine, by Dr. Peter Hammond
Here are 5 short excerpts from this message:
"Some Ukrainians have said to me that the American policy seems to be to fight to the last Ukrainian."
"Notice the crime that Donald Trump is guilty of is he's the only American President since Herbert Hoover - in other words for 80 years - who hasn't started a new war. So, he was obviously committing treason against the Military Industrial Complex."
"The first casualty in war is truth."
"To keep the people interested you've got to create the impression there's hope for the Ukrainian military cause, they're gonna win, they are winning, the Russians are losing..."
"I've had Americans say to me in public meetings in America, 'You know why they hate us? Because we're free.' I said, 'No, they hate you because you're bombing them. Stop bombing them. Nobody hates Switzerland and the Swiss are free. But they don't bomb other countries, they send the Red Cross. If you would stop bombing other countries and meddling in their countries and organizing coups and revolutions, then maybe you wouldn't have so many enemies.' That wasn't very popular because as you know every country on earth deserves to be bombed by America."
Today in the News - Tuesday & Wednesday, November 29 & 30, 2022
Today's Headlines:
- San Fran to Vote on Police Robots Using Deadly Force -
- Klaus Schwab Says 'God is Dead', and the WEF is 'Acquiring Divine Powers' -
- U.S., Russia Have Used Military Hotline Once Since Start of Ukraine War -
- Israel, US to Hold Drills Simulating Strike on Iran Nuclear Program -
- Focus On the Family Blamed for Club Q Shooting Despite Jim Daley Condemnation, Suspect's Nonbinary Identity -
- The Pro-Abortion Media Tricks and Misleads Because the Truth is Pro-Life -
- Katie Pavlich: Another Leftist Smear Goes Down in Flames -
- Katie Pavlich: Election Red Linings -
- Ben Shapiro: The Left's Cynical 'Speech is Violence' Ploy -
- Ann Coulter: A New Dawn: The End of Legal Discrimination -
- Ann Coulter: A Nation Rejoices! A Humiliating Defeat for Donald Trump -
- Patrick Buchanan: Democrats, Not Democracy, at Risk Today -
- Patrick Buchanan: Putin's "Winter War" on Ukraine -
- John Stossel: Inconvenient Facts About Electric Cars -
- Stephen Green: So Long, and Thanks for all the Judges -
- Andrew Napolitano: Thanksgiving in America -
- David Stockman: What History Tells Us About Taming Inflation -
- Larry Elder: A Pro-Abortion Advocate Made This Case Against Abortion -
Quotes for Tuesday & Wednesday, November 29 & 30, 2022
"This night your soul may be taken from you, and you may be in hell tomorrow." - Ralph Venning (1621-1643)
"As men sow in this seed time they shall reap in that harvest." - Ralph Venning (1621-1643)
These are just 2 of the gems from Ralph Venning's little book, The Sinfulness of Sin. Below are a few more:
"There will be no sleeping in hell."
"'But you only have to repent' says sin, 'God will forgive you.' To this we must say that he who has promised forgiveness to those who repent, has not promised repentance to them that sin."
"They will be in this like the burning bush, which was burnt with fire, but not consumed. As the church was on earth, so sinners will be in hell."
"Most of the past time in the world is lost time, but sinning time, or time spent in sin, is worst than lost, for it must be accounted for."
"To pay so dear a price for so vile a commodity. To pay according to the rate of heaven and be put off with hell."
"Will you be damned? Can you think calmly of going to hell? Have you no pity on your poor soul?"
"Holiness is the Beuty of earth and of heaven. They who jeer and scoff at holiness and rejoice that they are none of the holy ones, might as well make bone fires, ring the bells, and give thanks that they shall never be saved. For if they are not holy, saved they cannot be."
"To pluck out you right eye or cut off your right hand would be a pleasure in comparison to being damned in hell. A burning fever is nothing to burning in hell. Of all the miseries which have been undergone by all men it would be nothing in hell."
"If thunder, lightening, and earthquakes make men afraid and shrink together, what will hell do? If the throbbing of a toothache or gnawing of gout puts men to excruciating pain, what will hell do?"
"When men please themselves with thoughts of their past sins, when they chew the cud and lick their lips after it...then they do the sin over and over again by thinking of it."
"Nebuchadnezzar's furnace was terrible, especially when heated seven times more than usual, yet hell is a worse furnace of fire. Those who do iniquity (who are sin makers by trade), shall be cast into a furnace of fire which shall not devour them, but shall torment them and make them wail and gnash their teeth."
"It is said that thoughts are free. They are indeed free with respect to the world who cannot judge us for them. But God can and will."
"So to work out his own salvation with fear and trembling. They who live in sin, however, work out their own damnation, and that many times without fear or trembling. But they will have a great store of these when they come to receive their just doom and damnation. Time is a most precious commodity, for eternity depends upon the moment."
"There will be degrees of torment in hell, although it will be intolerable for all."
"It's as if the sinner should say to the Lord in the Day of Judgment, 'Have mercy on me.'
'Have mercy upon you?' says God. 'No, I will have no mercy upon you. There was a time when you might have had mercy without judgment, but now you shall have judgment without mercy. Depart! Depart!'
If they should then beg and say, 'Lord, if we must depart, let it be from Thy throne of judgment, but not from Thee.'
'No,' says the Lord. 'Depart from me. Depart form my presence, which is joy. Depart, and go to hell!'
'Lord,' they say, 'seeing we must be gone, bless us before we go, that Thy blessing may be upon us.'
'Oh no,' says God, 'Go with a curse. Depart ye cursed.'
'Oh Lord, if we must go from Thee, let us not go into the place of torment, but appoint a place, if not of pleasure, then of ease.'
'No, depart into fire, burning and tormenting flames.'
'Oh Lord, if into fire, let it be only for a little while. For who can dwell in everlasting burning?'
'No! Neither you nor the fire shall know an end. Be gone into everlasting fire.'
'Lord, then let it be long before we go there.'
'No, depart immediately. The sentence shall be immediately put into execution.'
'Oh Lord, let us at least have good company who will pity us, though they cannot help us.'
'No, you shall have none but the tormenting devils. Those whom you obeyed when they were your tempters shall be with you as tormentors.'
What misery sin has brought on man to bring him to hear this dreadful doom."
Daily Bible Verses for Tuesday & Wednesday, November 29 & 30, 2022
"For which cause we faint not: but though our outward man perish; yet the inward man is renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory." - 2 Corinthians 4:16,17 (Audio):
- The renewing of the Inner Man, by Rev. John Greer
- Pressing On in the Face of Affliction, by Dr. Mark Kelderman
- The Child of Light Walking in Darkness, the Darkness of Trouble and Perplexity, by Pastor Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892)
- A Word for Afflicted and Suffering Saints, by Rev. Stephen Hamilton
- The Nature and Purpose of Christian's Suffering, by Rev. Kyle Paisley
- Our Light Afflictions, by Rev. Allan Murray
Daily Bible Reading for Tuesday and Wednesday, November 29 & 30, 2022
The following Bible readings are taken from the website, If you follow this reading plan you will read through the whole Bible in one year. I highly encourage you to do so. Also, the sermons below each section are ones that I have chosen from the website,
Sermons on Daniel 7:
Recommended sermons:
Daniel 6:
- Standing Firm: Holy Habits, by Dr. David P. Murray [Text: Daniel 6]
- Daniel's Character, Conflicts and Conviction, by Rev. John Greer [Text: Daniel 6]
- Daniel, by Rev. William McCrea [Text: Daniel 6] [Video]
- Why No Hope for the Pope, by Rev. Stephen Hamilton [Text: Daniel 7; Revelation 17]
- The Prophetic Earth, Part 1, by Rev Noel Hughes [Text: Daniel 2]
- The Prophetic Earth, Part 2, by Rev Noel Hughes [Text: Daniel 7]
- The Prophetic Earth, Part 3, by Rev Noel Hughes [Text: Luke 21:5-36]
- God's Estimation of Time, by Pastor Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892)
- The False Day-Age Theory, by Rev. Stephen Hamilton
- LSD: The Antidote, by Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley (1926-2014)
- Global Warming on a Global Scale, Part 1, by Rev. Brian McClung
- Global Warming on a Global Scale, Part 2, by Rev. Brian McClung
- Headed for Heaven - the Living Proof, by Dr. Ian Brown
- Living in the Light of Our Lord's Return, by Rev. Roger Higginson
- Can a Christian Sin? by Rev. William McCrea [Text: I John 1]
- There's Power in the Blood, by Rev. Reginald Cranston [Text: I John 1]
- Living Clean in an Unclean World, by Dr. Alan Cairns (Text: Psalm 119:9)
- Gospel Cleansing for Young People, by Rev. Lawrence J. Bilkes (Text: Psalm 119:9)
- How to Study Your Bible to the MAX, by Rev. Ian Brown (Text: Psalm 119:11)
- Memorizing the Scriptures, by Rev. Stephan Hamilton (Text: Psalm 119:11)
- An Excellent Way of Commenting on the Bible, by Thomas Watson (1620-1686) (Text: Psalm 119:97)
- The Preacher's Bible, by Evangelist E. A. Johnston (Text: Psalm 119:105)
Here are some sermons on Proverbs 28:
- The Abominable Snowflakes, by Pastor Joey Faust (Text: Proverbs 28:1, Revelation 21:78) Note: If you like this sermon - and I do! - check out another sermon by pastor Faust on 1 Kings 18. The title of that sermon is titled Not a Jezebel State Church!
- Russia's Religious Criminal Codes, by Dr. Carl McIntire (1906 - 2002)(Text: Proverbs 28:28) Note: This sermon was preached in 1963.
- Communist Deception in America, by Dr. Carl McIntire (1906 - 2002)(Text: Proverbs 28:28) Note: This sermon was preached in 1963.
Monday, November 28, 2022
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, by Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758)
The following quote is from Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) sermon Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God:
"It would be dreadful to suffer this fierceness and wrath of Almighty God for one moment; but you must suffer it to all eternity. There will be no end to this exquisite horrible misery. When you look forward, you shall see a long forever, a boundless duration before you which will swallow up your thoughts, and amaze your souls, and you will absolutely despair of ever having any deliverances, any end, any mitigation, any rest at all; and you will know certainly that you must wear out long ages, millions and millions of ages, in wrestling and conflicting with this Almighty merciless vengeance; and then when you have so done, when many ages have actually been spent by you in this manner, you will know that it is all but a point to what remains. So that your punishment will indeed be infinite."
Justin Peters Ministries: Was Jimmy Carter A Born Again Christian?
Please Stop Rewriting History - Ben Shapiro Recommended reading: Scores Wait in Bitter DC Cold to Pay Respects to Jimmy Carter: 'An Hon...
Today's Headlines: Excerpts for the Democrat to English Dictionary: Updated for 2023 - Kim Calls for 'Exponential...
ChatGPT Broke the EU's Plan to Regulate AI - ----------------- Recommended reading: Pastor's View: Sermons Written...
Gaza Must Receive the 'Hiroshima and Nagasaki' Treatment, U.S. Congressman Says - Recommended sermons and podcasts: W...