Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Today in the News - Tuesday & Wednesday, November 29 & 30, 2022

      Today's Headlines:

  1. San Fran to Vote on Police Robots Using Deadly Force - americanmilitarynews.com
  2. Klaus Schwab Says 'God is Dead', and the WEF is 'Acquiring Divine Powers' - niyitabiti.net
  3. U.S., Russia Have Used Military Hotline Once Since Start of Ukraine War - ynetnews.com
  4. Israel, US to Hold Drills Simulating Strike on Iran Nuclear Program - jpost.com
  5. Focus On the Family Blamed for Club Q Shooting Despite Jim Daley Condemnation, Suspect's Nonbinary Identity - justthenews.com
  6. The Pro-Abortion Media Tricks and Misleads Because the Truth is Pro-Life - cnsnews.com


  1. Katie Pavlich: Another Leftist Smear Goes Down in Flames - townhall.com
  2. Katie Pavlich: Election Red Linings - townhall.com
  3. Ben Shapiro: The Left's Cynical 'Speech is Violence' Ploy - cnsnews.com
  4. Ann Coulter: A New Dawn: The End of Legal Discrimination - lewrockwell.com
  5. Ann Coulter: A Nation Rejoices! A Humiliating Defeat for Donald Trump - townhall.com
  6. Patrick Buchanan: Democrats, Not Democracy, at Risk Today - cnsnws.com
  7. Patrick Buchanan:  Putin's "Winter War" on Ukraine - cnsnws.com
  8. John Stossel: Inconvenient Facts About Electric Cars - cnsnws.com
  9. Stephen Green: So Long, and Thanks for all the Judges - pjmedia.com
  10. Andrew Napolitano: Thanksgiving in America - lewrockwell.com
  11. David Stockman: What History Tells Us About Taming Inflation - lewrockwell.com
  12. Larry Elder: A Pro-Abortion Advocate Made This Case Against Abortion - townhall.com

Armed Mom Takes on 3 Bad Guys with Gun in One Hand, Baby in the Other

    Armed Mom Takes on 3 Bad Guys with Gun in One Hand, Baby in the Other  -  bearingarms.com ------------------------------ Helen Ready  mu...