Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Today in the News - tuesday, February 7, 2023

                                     Today's Headlines:

  1. Hugh Earthquake Kills 2,600 in Turkey and Syria, Bad Weather Worsens Plight - news.yahoo.com
  2. Minnesotans Descend of Mall of America with 'Jesus Saves' Shirts - alphanews.org
  3. Hedge Fund CEO: "China's Helium Balloon is a Distraction. The Real Risks are Off the Radar" - zerohedge.com
  4. The Ilhan Omar Vote is a Turning Point for American Jews - israel365news.com
  5. Catholic School Suspends Teen for Correctly Stating God Created 2 Genders and Protesting Against Transgender Students Using Girl's Bathrooms (Video) - thegatewaypundit.com
  6. South Carolina: Students Kicked Out of Museum for Wearing Pro-Life Hats - wyff4.com
  7. World War III Escalates as Corrupt US Officials Seek to Protect their Criminal Operations and Bioweapons Research in Ukraine - naturalnews.com
  8. Government Reports and Pfizer Documents Prove COVID Vaccination is Causing Depopulation and We Now Have Evidence it Was the Plan All Along - expose-news.com
  9. Congress Must Get Clarity from Pfizer Execs on COVID-19 Viral 'Mutation' Experiments - dailysignal.com
  10. A Reply to Eric Metaxas' "Letter to American Churches" - townhall.com
  1. Katie Pavlich: A Supreme Disappointment - townhall.com
  2. Katie Pavlich: So, We Can't Even Handle a Chinese Spy Balloon? - towhall.com
  3. Ann Coulter: George Santos Embraces 'Storytelling' - townhall.com
  4. Ann Coulter: Hey, Where Did all the Browns Go? - townhall.com
  5. Tyler Durden: Satire or Serious: 'Why Didn't the Unvaccinated Warn Us?' - lewrockwell.com
  6. Paul Craig Roberts: The Ever Widening War - lewrockwell.com
  7. Johnstone: Western Journalists Are Cowardly, Approval Seeking Losers - zerohedge.com
  8. Josh Hammer: Is the Deep State Coming After Joe Biden? - townhall.com
  9. Oliver North - Strength in Truth - townhall.com
  10. Ron Paul: Proposed New Legislation Would Increase Taxes on Millions of Americans - cnsnws.com
  11. Dan Bongino Video: A National Security Nightmare is Happening - frontpagemag.com
  12. Allen West: The New American Politburo - townhall.com
  13. Chuck Norris: Why Our Founding Fathers Didn't Celebrate the Holiday Like We Do - wnd.com
  14. Ben Shapiro: When Black Police Officers Kill a Black Man, That's White Supremacy - cnsnews.com
  15. Cal Thomas: Bad Political Theatre - townhall.com
  16. Patrick Buchanan: Still Against "Dead Consensus" - cnsnews.com
  17. John Stossel: Population Panic - cnsnws.com
  18. Stephen Green: So Long, and Thanks for all the Judges - pjmedia.co
  19. Andrew Napolitano: How Local Cops Get Your Bank Records - lewrockwell.com
  20. David Stockman: If McCarthy's Concessions Enable Debt Crisis - Bring it On! - lewrockwell.com
  21. Larry Elder: Obama Warns About the 'Raw Sewage' of Disinformation - Ignores Democrats Own 'Garbage' - townhall.com

Note: Be careful where to go to for your news. The following quote is from David Rockefeller's Memoirs:

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years......It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.”  - David Rockefeller (Source)

News Roundup and Comment

  News Roundup and Comment , by Jim Schneider of Crosstalk America