Sunday, March 5, 2023

All States with Lowest Unemployment Rates in 2022 Had Republican Governors; All 10 with Highest Had Democrats

 All States with Lowest Unemployment Rates in 2022 Had Republican Governors; All 10 with Highest Had Democrats -


Recommended reading: If Reparations Are Owed, the Democrats Should Pay Them -

Excerpt from this article:

"...there are certain responsible entities that existed then and now:

The United State government
Eleven slave states of the Confederacy plus four union slave states
A handful of corporations with origins dating before the end of slavery
The Democratic Party.

I did not include the Republican Party for a very good reason: It was formed in 1854 by a bunch of abolitionists for the express purpose of ending slavery, which was accomplished at enormous cost 11 years later."

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