Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Chris Rock on Abortion: 'Let's Not Get Twisted, It Is Killing a Baby'

 Chris Rock on Abortion: 'Let's Not Get Twisted, It Is Killing a Baby' - cnsnews.com


The following sermons are by Dr. Stephen Pollock. His text is Psalm 139 (Audio)

Recommended hymn based on Psalm 139: All That I Am I Owe to Thee

Recommended reading: 

  1. A 'Botched' Abortion is the Birth of Child - townhall.com
  2.  Congressional Resolution Would Make Jan 22 'Day of Tears' in Memory of 60 Million Aborted Babies - cnsnews.com
  3. Abortion Could Be Prosecuted as a Homicide Under New Kentucky Bill - new.yahoo.com 
  4. Kentucky Supreme Court Upholds Abortion Ban - thegatewaypundit.com
  5.  The ERA Has Just One Purpose Left: Abortion - cnsnews.com
  6. 'Major Victory for Pro-Life World': Court Upholds Pregnancy Centers First Amendment Rights - breakingchristiannews.com
  7. UN Urged to Intervene Over Destruction of Abortion Rights - cnsnews.com

Recommended sermons and podcasts: 

  1. Who Brought the Holocaust to America and the World? - Planned Parenthood's 100th by Pastor Kevin Swanson
  2. Abortion: The New Holocaust, by Rev. Roger Higginson [Text: Psalm 116 (Audio)]
  3. Roe Vs. Wade: 50 Years On, by Dr. Stephen Pollock
  4. Roe Vs. Wade: 50 Years On, Part 2, by Dr. Stephen Pollock
  5. The Great Evil of Abortion Breaks All Ten Commandments, by Jess Stanfield

The Gospel of Drag Queens and Woke - Exporting Woke to Botswana and Hungary

  The Gospel of Drag Queens and Woke - Exporting Woke to Botswana and Hungary , by Pastor Kevin Swanson