Monday, March 13, 2023

Today in History - March 14

A special thanks to for following historical information. The sermons I have chosen from

1900 - The Gold Standard Act is ratified, placing the United States currency on the gold standard (Source)

Recommended reading: Alan Greespan: Ron Paul Was Right About the Gold Standard -

Excerpt from this article:

"And the punchline: 'We would never have reached this position of extreme indebtedness were we on the gold standard, because the gold standard is a way of ensuring that fiscal policy never gets out of line.' To be sure, this is something we discussed exactly two years ago, when we showed a chart showing the sudden end of prosperity for the 'bottom 90%' of US earners at the time Nixon ended the US Gold Standard in August 1971, unleashing what ultimately would be the 'Great Moderation', an unprecedented increase in US debt, and the stagnation of real incomes and net worth for all but the 'top 1% of earners.'"

Recommended reading:
  1. Republicans and Democrats Come Together to Rob Americans -
  2. National Debt is $122 Trillion, Not $23 Trillion, Says Non-Profit Group - thenewamerican 
  3. Flashback: Senator Boxer: 'Absolutely No Way We're Going to Cut Spending' -
Consider the following...

 "If you knew that you could live in luxury for the rest of your life but that by doing so it would absolutely destroy the future of your children, your grandchildren, and your great-grandchildren, would you do it? Well, that is exactly what we are doing as a nation. Over the past several decades we have stolen $15 trillion dollars from future generations so that we could enjoy a dramatically inflated level of prosperity. Our 15 trillion dollar party has been a lot of fun, but what we have done to our children and our grandchildren has been beyond criminal. We ran up the greatest mountain of debt in the history of the planet and we are sticking them with the bill. Sadly, both political parties have been responsible for the big spending that has been going on." (The


"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discover it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury. After that, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits with the result the democracy collapses because of the loose fiscal policy ensuing, always to be followed by a dictatorship and then  a monarchy."

Jack Ruby is convicted of killing Lee Harvey Oswald, the assumed assassin of John F. Kennedy (Source)

Recommended reading:
Excerpt from this second article:

"Here is a several years old documentary of 35 minutes summarizing the powerful evidence that the Warren Commission Report on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy is a cover-up. All available evidence points to the CIA and the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, with the cooperation of the Secret Service, as the murderers of President Kennedy."

Recommended videos:
Recommended reading:

News Roundup and Comment

  News Roundup and Comment , by Jim Schneider of Crosstalk America