Friday, May 19, 2023

Today in History - May 20

A special thanks to for following historical information. The sermons I have chosen from

1891: History of cinema. The first public display of Thomas Edison's prototype kinetoscope to members of National Federation of Women's club (Source)

Recommended sermons and podcasts:
  1. Should Christians Watch Movies? by Dr. David P. Murray
  2. Against Godless Games, Ungodly Stage Plays and Movies, Drunkenness, Wasting Time, Etc., by Increase Mather (1639-1723)
  3. The Good Dinosaur - How Movies Indoctrinate Our Kids, by Pastor Kevin Swanson
1662: The Cavalier Parliament passes "An Act for the Uniformity of Public Prayers and Adminisgration of Sacraments, and Other Rites and Ceremonies, and for the establishment of Making, Ordaining, and consecrating Bishops, priests, and Deacons in the Church of England." (Source)

Recommended sermons and podcasts:

Former MP Exposes Horror: Children Trafficked, Abused, and Organs Harvested While Elites Protect the Guilty (Video)

  Former MP Exposes Horror: Children Trafficked, Abused, and Organs Harvested While Elites Protect the Guilty (Video)  -