Sunday, September 3, 2023

Billionaire Clinton Friend Dies of Suicide, Report Says

 Billionaire Clinton Friend Dies of Suicide, Report Says -


Recommended reading:
  1. List of 71 Clinton Associates or Died Mysteriously or Committed Suicide Before Testimony -
  2. Orgy Island' Creep, Clinton Pal Epstein, Settles Before 'Sex Slaves' Testify -
Excerpt from this last article: "Former president [Clinton] took 26 trips on the 'Lolita Express'"

The following quotes are from Ann Coulter's book High Crimes and Misdemeanors: The Case Against Bill Clinton:

  • "Though [Bill Clinton] once had sweet nothings to whisper in her ear, after Gennifer Flowers told the world of her affair with Bill Clinton, he reportedly denounced her to his troopers in terms unbecoming of the president who claims credit for the Violence Against Women Act. He called her a 'F----g slut,' and demanded to know 'What does that whore think she's doing to me?'"
  • "To have the President's behavior propel the country into a national discussion of whether oral sex counts as adultery would have been a blatant 'high crime and misdemeanor,' if the framers could possibly have imagined any president would sink so low.'
  • "They say his lies about Gennifer, Paula, Kathleen and Monica don't matter because they are 'about sex.' No, actually, not all his lies are 'about sex.' the lies 'about sex' just happen to be the ones he told under oath."
  • "The process is called "discovery," but ought to be called 'obscurity,' since lawyers spend most of discovery trying to block the other side from obtaining relevant evidence."
  • "Clinton people would learn two lessons the hard way: you don't call Paula Jones trailer park trash, and you don't call Linda Tripp a liar."
  • "One can't help imagining the conversation over breakfast at the White House residence that morning - Hillary: Oh look Bill! That sweet Elizebeth Ward has told the press you didn't use force when you had sex with her while I was home taking care of little Chelsea in 1981. Isn't that nice of her?"
  • "On the op-ed page of the New York Times about a month later, once the laryngitis had lifted, Steinem announced the new Clinton-era standard for sexual harassment: The boss gets one free grope. Referring to Kathleen Whiley's accusations during the 60 Minute interview, Steinem wrote: 'The truth is that even if the allegations are true, the President is not guilty of sexual harassment. He is accused of having made a gross, dumb, and reckless pass at a supporter during a low point in her life. She pushed him away, and it never happened again. In other words, he took 'no' for an answer.'"
  • "The only presidential privilege Clinton had not claimed was the one floating around the Internet: 'Going to hell would interfere with the president's ability to carry out the duties of his office, and God's judgment would violate the separation of powers. Sins are therefore excused in the case of a sitting president, at least as long as the economy is good.'"

The Gospel of Drag Queens and Woke - Exporting Woke to Botswana and Hungary

  The Gospel of Drag Queens and Woke - Exporting Woke to Botswana and Hungary , by Pastor Kevin Swanson