Quotes by Pastor Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834 - 1892):
"But did I hear you whisper that this was not a convenient time? Then what must I say to you? When will that convenient time come? Shall it come when you are in hell? Will that time be convenient? Shall it come when you are on your dying bed, and the death throttle is in your throat—shall it come then? Or when the burning sweat is scalding your brow; and then again, when the cold clammy sweat is there, shall those be convenient times? When pains are racking you, and you are on the borders of the tomb? No, sir, this morning is the convenient time. May God make it so. Remember, I have no authority to ask you to come to Christ to-morrow. The Master has given you no invitation to come to him next Tuesday. The invitation is, 'To-day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts as in the provocation,' for the Spirit saith 'to-day.' 'Come now and let us reason together;' why should you put it off? It may be the last warning you shall ever have. Put it off, and you may never weep again in chapel...".- from Spurgeon' Sermon Compel Them To Come InScience Simplified 4 All: Nuclear Bomb Explosion in a City | Stage-by-Stage Explanation with Real video Footage
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