Tuesday, October 31, 2023

My Picks from Sermonaudio for Wednesday, November 1, 2023

  1. Faithful Christians in the 20th Century - Keeping the Faith , by Pastor Kevin Swanson
  2. Happy Reformation Day, by Adam McManus of Worldview in Five Minutes
  3. In the Last Days Perilous Times Shall Come, by John Owen
  4. The Briefing for Tuesday, November 1, 2023, by Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
  5. Muslim Migration and Pro Hamas Protests, by Pastor Geoffrey Grider of Nowtheendbegins.com
  6. Target Israel: Israel in the Crosshairs, by Jim Schneider of Crosstalk America
  7. Everyone Worships Something!, by Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis
  8. Pastor Lordson Roch Exposes Witchcraft, by Lordson Roch
  9. Identifying and Evaluation the Worst Presidents in History, by Dr. Peter Hammond
  10. Artificial Intelligence from a Biblical Perspective, by Bill Lovegrove
  11. Terrorism Against Israel - How the Christian Should Think and Act, by Dr. Ian Brown [Text: John 1:19-37]
  12. Hippies, Teetotalers, and Bacchae, by Dr. James White 
  13. Bibi Invokes Holy War: Sons of Light Vs Sons of Darkness, by Nate of Sound the Battle Cry
  14. The Acts of the Amalekites: Is Hamas a Rebrand of This Brutal Tribe? by Dr. Ian Brown
  15. Update on Israel/Hamas War, Chris Messus Up Neo Babylonians Dynasty, Antisemites, by Christopher Katulka 
  16. Jonathan Edwards: The Valley of Trouble
  17. What's Going on In Israel? by Pastor David Anderson
  18. Your Spiritual Thermostat, by Rev. Roger Higginson
  19. How Should Christians Respond to Halloween? by Various Speakers
  20. Biblical Beauty Countering Transgender Narrative, by Dave Jenkins
  21. Cleansing Our Way, by Rev. Kyle Graham [Text: Psalm 119:9-16]
  22. Halloween Weighed in the Balance and Found Wanting, by Dr. David Mackereth [Text: Daniel 5]
  23. Witches Holiday, by Pastor Mike Hoggard

Science Simplified 4 All: Nuclear Bomb Explosion in a City | Stage-by-Stage Explanation with Real video Footage

Fetterman to JNS: I Fully Support Partnering with Israel to Bomb Iran's Nuclear Facilities  -  jns.org ----------------- Recommended rea...