Tuesday, November 14, 2023

First Scheduled Execution by Nitrous Hypoxia Sparks Controversy Even Though It's Already Being Considered for Euthanasia

 First Scheduled Execution by Nitrous Hypoxia Sparks Controversy Even Though It's Already Being Considered for Euthanasia - mrctv.org


The following 3 quotes are from 1. The Bible, 2. Ann Coulter and 3. John Grisham:

  • Genesis 9:6: "Whoso sheddeth man's blood by man shall his blood be shed."
  • Ann Coulter: "[The death penalty is]...'a primitive act of retribution'...What is primitive about being arraigned, formally charged, tried, convicted by a jury, having that conviction upheld on appeal, and then being executed in a manner far gentler than their victims?...('Okay, it will only sting for a minute, Mr. Bundy!')"
  • John Grisham:  "In white America, prisons are good places where bad men pay for their crimes. In black America, prisons are often used as warehouses to keep minorities off the streets."

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