Sunday, January 21, 2024

Daily Bible Reading for Monday, January 22, 2024

     The following Bible readings are taken from the website, If you follow this reading plan you will read through the whole Bible in one year. I highly encourage you to do so. Also, the sermons below each section are ones that I have chosen from the website,

Genesis 44 & 45

Sermons on Genesis 44:
  1. Jesus, the Surety Greater Than Judah, by Rev. Hans Overduin [Text: Genesis 44]
  2. A Sinner Pictured in the Path to Salvation, by Rev. Stephen Hamilton [Text: Genesis 43,44]
Sermons on Genesis 45:
  1. Learning From Joseph's Tears, by Rev. Hans Overduin [Text: Genesis 45]
  2. God Sure Gets Glorified in Joseph Making Himself Known, by Pastor Joel Overduin [Text: Genesis 45]

Matthew 14:13-45

Sermons on Matthew 14:

  1. The Mystery and Mercy of God as He Has Revealed Himself in Jesus Christ, by Dr. Alan Cairns [Text:Matthew 14]
  2. Jesus Invites Peter to Join Him on the Waves, by Rev Cornelis (Neil) Pronk [Text: Matthew 14:15-33]
  3. The Glory of Christ on the Sea of Galilee, by Dr. Jerry Bilkes [Text: Matthew 14:22-36, Text: Matthew 14:33]
  4. Peter's Savior Above the Waves, by Rev. David Kranendonk [Text: Matthew 14:22-36]
  5. Compassion for the Multitude, by Pastor Chaarles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892) [Matthew 14:17,18]
  6. Go and Tell Jesus, by Rev. Reginald Cranston [Text: Matthew 14:12]
  7. Against Romish Rites and Political and Ecclesiastical Tyranny, Part 1 of 2, by John Knox (1513-1572) [Text: Matthew 14:19-21]
  8. Against Romish Rites and Political and Ecclesiastical Tyranny, Part 2 of 2, by John Knox (1513-1572) [Text: Matthew 14:19-21; Matthew 14]

Psalm 18:

Recommended sermons: A Life Rich with God's Lovingkindness, by Joe Morecraft III [Text: Psalm 18]

Proverbs 3:11-13

Recommended sermon: The Health, Wealth & Prosperity Gospel, by Dr. David P Murray [Text: Proverbs 33]

Answers in Genesis: Evolutionists Do NOT Want You Knowing the Truth About These Islands

  Six Days & the Eisegesis Problem , Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis