Monday, January 22, 2024

Today in the News - Tuesday, January 23, 2024

                      Today's Headlines:

  1. Netanyahu: Israel Rejects Hamas Terms of Surrender -
  2. Media Warns of WWIII Starting in Mideast After Presidential Elections -
  3. North Korea Tests Exotic Underwater Nuclear Drone, Claims it Can Create "Radioactive Tsunami" -
  4. Israel Scientists Find Way to Elicit Strong Immune Response Against Cancer -
  5. Top 42 Signs From at 51st March for Life - 
  6. 44% of Dem Voters Say Biden has Worked Systematically to Undermine Border Security -
  7. Woke Bloodbath: Sports Illustrated's Entire Staff Told Told They're Being Cut from the Team -
  8. The Phony MLK 'Holiday' -
  9. How the West was Defeated -
  10. Disease X: Experts Project it Could Be 20x Deadlier than COVID -
  11. Nearly $3 Billion Sought for Migrants Displaced by Climate Change -
  12. Some Solid Advice for Trump from Former Press Secretary -
  13. Trump Tells Supporters He Will Never Allow CBDC if Elected -
  1. Stephen Cokx: Elon Musk: 'I Think I Would Not Vote for Biden in 2024' -
  2. Lew Rockwell: The Danger of Critical Race Theory -
  3. John Stossel: Afraid to Speak -
  4. Chuck Norris: Advice from 10 Founders on How to Vote in 2024 -
  5. Katie Pavlich: White House Refuses to Correct the Big Lie They Just Told About the Border and Texas -
  6. Amotz Asa-El: Mr. Xi: Tear Down This Wall (Opinion) -
  7. Salena Zito: The Silent Death by a Thousand Cuts in Manufacturing -
  8. Ann Coulter: The Next Million Fentanyl Deaths Are On You, New Hampshire -
  9. David Stockman: Why Stalin and Hitler Should Never Have Happened -
  11. Why the US Needs a 'Secure Border with a Wide Gate' -
  12. Sarah Arnold: The Radical Left Wing Laws Coming in 2024 -
  13. Cal Thomas: Biden Not 'Faithfully Executing' the Laws -
  14. Ron Paul: A New Year's Resolution Worth Keeping -

Finding Community without Religion

  Finding Community without Religion - -------------- I'm sure it's possible to find community without religion. It's a...