Friday, February 23, 2024

Daily Bible Reading for Saturday & Sunday, February 24 & 25, 2024

      The following Bible readings are taken from the website, If you follow this reading plan you will read through the whole Bible in one year. I highly encourage you to do so. Also, the sermons below each section are ones that I have chosen from the website,

Leviticus 15-18

Sermons on Leviticus 15-18:

  1. Out of the Heart of Man, by Rev. David Silversides [Text: Leviticus 15]
  2. The Gospel of Personal Purity, by Rev. Armen Thomassian [Text: Leviticus 15]
  3. Christ Our Sacrifice of Atonement, by Dr. Alan Cairns [Text: Leviticus 16; Hebrews 9:11-12]
  4. Yom Kippur: Its True Significance, by Rev. Stephen Hamilton [Text: Leviticus 16]
  5. The Atoning Blood of Christ, by Rev. John Greer
  6. Nothing But the Blood of Jesus, by Rev. Ian Brown
  7. Sex and the Law of God, by Dr. James White

Mark 7:1-8:10

Sermons on Mark 7 & 8:

  1. A Little Something for the Dogs, by Pastor Kevin Swanson [Text: Mark 7:24]
  2. The Sighing of the Savior, by Rev. Gordon Dane [Text: Mark 7:31-8:13; John 11:33]
  3. The Master's Errand of Mercy, by Rev. Reginald Cranston [Text: Mark 7:33]
  4. The Greatest Question Jesus Ever Asked, by Rev. William McCrea [Text: Mark 8]
  5. The Worst Possible Loss, by Dr. Frank McClelland [Text: Mark 8]
  6. A Different Miracle? Or Did the Evangelists Mix Up the Records? by Rev. Ian Brown [Text: Mark 8:1-9; Matthew 1532-38]

Psalm 40:11-41:13

Sermons on Psalm 40 & 41:

  1. Addiction to Grace, by Dr Michael [Text: Psalm 40]
  2. Out, On, Through and Up, by Rev. Roger Higginson [Text: Psalm 40]
  3. Praying When at a Low Ebb, by Rev. David Silversides [Text: Psalm 41]
The following hymns are based on Psalm 40: An Entreaty for Mercy (Before Thy People I Confess)

Proverbs 10:13-16

Here are some sermons on Proverbs 10:
  1. The Bible's Perspective on Summer Time?! by Rev. Hans Overduin (Text: Proverbs 10:5)
  2. Christ Manifests Himself to His People, He Does Not Reveal Himself Unto the World, by Pastor Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892) (Text: Proverbs 10:7; John 14:22)
  3. John Calvin - The Man, by Rev. Stephan Hamilton (Text: Proverbs 10:7)
  4. Luther After a Diet of Worms, by Rev. Stephan Hamilton (Text: Proverbs 10:7)

Answers in Genesis: Evolutionists Do NOT Want You Knowing the Truth About These Islands

  Six Days & the Eisegesis Problem , Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis