Friday, February 23, 2024

Today in History - February 24

           A special thanks to for following historical information. The sermons I have chosen from

1831 – The Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek, the first removal treaty in accordance with the Indian Removal Act, is proclaimed.[14] The Choctaws in Mississippi cede land east of the river in exchange for payment and land in the West.

Recommended sermons and podcasts:

  1. America's Sins Against the Indians, by Pastor Kevin Swanson
  2. Christian Nations - Least Racist Nations - Reparations for Previous Sins, by Pastor Kevin Swanson

Recommended reading:

  1. SCOTUS Cancels Part of Oklahoma, Decides It's Still an Indian Reservation -
  2. Crazy Horse Memorial Honors Native Americans - and Freedom -
  3. The Trail of Tears Facts -
  4. Unto These Hills Outdoor Drama Retells The Trail of Tears -

1946 – Colonel Juan Perón, founder of the political movement that became known as Peronism, is elected to his first term as President of Argentina.

Recommended musical: Evita

Here are a couple of my favorite songs from this musical:

The following is a quote taken from Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left:

"...both the Wilson and the FDR administrations were descendants - albeit distant ones - of the first fascist movement: the French Revolution...It produced the first modern dictators, Robespierre and Napoleon, and worked on the premise that the nation had to be ruled by an enlightened avant-garde who would serve as the organic, authentic voice of the 'general will.'...Robespierre summed up the totalitarian logic of the Revolution: 'There are only two parties in France: the people and its enemies. We must exterminate those miserable villains who are eternally conspiring against the right of man...[W]e must exterminate our enemies.'"

2008Fidel Castro retires as the President of Cuba and the Council of Ministers after 32 years. He remains as head of the Communist Party for another three years.

More recommended sermons and podcasts:

  1. I Feel Like Communism is Better - Millennial Worldviews (Podcast), by Pastor Kevin Swanson
  2. Cuba, Castro, and Communism (Podcast), by Dr. Peter Hammond 
  3. How to Destroy a Nation: America vs the Soviet Union, by Pastor Kevin Swanson (2012)
  4. Recommended sermon: The Cold War, by Rev. Roger Higginson [Text: Matthew 24:12: "And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold."]
Recommended reading: 95 Years Ago, The USSR Was Formed. Let's Look at the Numbers -

Excerpt from this article: "According to “The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression,” a text considered the standard recollection of the USSR’s atrocities, 20 million perished as a result of Stalin’s targeted killings, forced labor, famine, and collectivization. These numbers were confirmed by a major Soviet newspaper in 1989...An estimate cited by the libertarian magazine Reason puts the total number of people killed because of communism from 1900 to 2000 at a staggering 94 million — making it by far the bloodiest ideology in recent history."

2022 – Days after recognizing Donetsk and Luhansk as independent states, Russian president Vladimir Putin orders a full scale invasion of Ukraine.[30]

Recommended sermons and podcasts: 

  1. Ukraine Targeting Orthodox Church with Raids and Arrests, by Adam McManus of the Worldview in Five Minutes
  2. Ministering Amidst the Russian/Ukraine War, by Jim Schneider of Crosstalk America
  3. A Christian Perspective on the War in Ukraine, by Dr. Peter Hammond

Here is a short excerpts from this message: 

"Some Ukrainians have said to me that the American policy seems to be to fight to the last Ukrainian."

John Birch Society: Ukraine: A War Between Villains?

Paul Craig Roberts: Artificial Intelligence is Bringing us the Communism, Marx, Engles, Lenin, Ma0 and Pol Pot Were Unable to Deliver

  Paul Craig Roberts: Artificial Intelligence is Bringing us the Communism, Marx, Engles, Lenin, Ma0 and Pol Pot Were Unable to Deliver  -  ...