Monday, September 23, 2024

Today in History - September 24

A special thanks to for following historical information. The sermons I have chosen from

1890 – The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints officially renounces polygamy.

Recommended sermons and podcasts: The Manhattan Declaration, by Pastor Kevin Swanson (2009)

Excerpt from this podcast: "Well, it is a problem when you call the LDS (Mormons) our brothers. It is like saying We and the Baal worshippers are going to get together because we're really fighting against the Molech worshippers. See, because the Molech worshippers, they're sacrificing children and we think that's an abomination, and we get a few Baal worshippers to go with us. Now we're going to call them our brothers? I think we ought not..."

Here are two more sermons, podcasts on the Manhattan Declaration:
  1. A Comment on the Manhattan Declaration, by Rev. Stephen Hamilton (2009)
  2. Manhattan Declaration - Pastor Kevin Boling interviews Ligon Duncan on the Manhattan Declaration (2009)
1932 – Gandhi and Dr. Ambedkar agree to the Poona Pact, which reserved seats in the Indian provincial legislatures for the "Depressed Classes" (Untouchables).

Recommended podcast: Ghandi & Aboriginals in Hell? Is God Fair? by Patrick Hines

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