Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Today in the News - Wednesday, September 25, 2024

       Today's Headlines

  1. "World War III is Approaching" - Pro-Putin Channel Simulates Massive Nuclear Strike on London - Would 'Instantly Vaporize' 850,000 People - thegatewaypundit.com
  2. Digital IDs Are Coming to Social Media in California's Crackdown - reclaimthenet.org
  3. Are They Trying to Start WW III Before the Election in November? - endoftheamericandream.com
  4. Liberals Spent Years Saying Trump Would Cling to Power for Life. Now He Says He Won't Run Again in 2028 - dailycaller.com
  5. Trump Was Right - Crime Rates Went 'Through the Roof' - americanthinker.com
  6. After 11 Months of Letting Hezbollah Shoot At it, Israel is Destroying Hezbollah - americanthinker.com
  7. Denmark's Prime Minister Calls for World War III Against Russian, Maybe China Too - lewrockwell.com
  8. The Reason for No Declarations of War Since World War II - lewrockwell.com
  9. China Crushing Shorts - lewrockwell.com
  10. Rape is Resistance and Beepers are Genocide - frontpagemag.com
  1. Rep. John J Duncan Jr.: US Calls for Ceasefire But Still Supports War - lewrockwell.com
  2. Tyler Durden: An Unprecedented Monetary Destruction is Coming - zerohedge.co 
  3. Katie Pavlich: The Usual Suspects are Very Mad Terrorists Are Dying - townhall.com
  4. Katie Pavlich: Guess Who Would Be Coming Back if Kamala Wins? - townhall.com
  5. Sue Parker: It's Time for a Federal Law Prohibiting Abortion - townhall.com
  6. Paul Craig Roberts: Tyranny is Closer Than You Think - lewrockwell.com
  7. John Stossel: Class Action Scams.- townhall.com
  8. Ben Shapiro: Hidin' Harris - A Strategy that Just Might Work - townhall.com
  9. Ann Coulter: Media: The Debate About the Debate - townhall.com
  10. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Why I'm Suspending My Campaign - lewrockwell.com
  11. Ron Paul: Washington's Ukraine Obsession is Going to Get Us All Killedlewrockwell.com
  12. Lew Rockwell: The Woke Plot to Destroy Our Economy - lewrockwell.com
  13. Tucker Carlson: JD Vance: The Immigration Crisis, How Polls Are Used to Fool You, and the Left's Plan to Stop Trump - lewrockwell.com
  14. David Stockman: Coming US Election and What it Means for America's Future - lewrockwell.com
  15. Allen West: An American Insurgency - townhall.com
  16. Cal Thomas: Socialized Medicine: It's Consequences - townhall.com
  17. Cal Thomas: Words and Deeds - townhall.com
  18. Larry Elders: Debate Trump Missed Opportunities, But it Was 3 Against 1 - townhall.com
 Earlier  Headlines
  1. Minister Gallant: 'Last Week was the Hardest for Hezbollah in its History' - israelnationalnews.com
  2. Watch: Tucker and JD Vance: 'For Forty Years We Haven't Had an Opposition Party. Now We Do' - wnd.com
  3. Older Single Men are Using Surrogacy to Purchase Children Without Background Check - lifesitenews.com
  4. Iran's 'Torture Master' Dies After Brain Surgery - worldisraelnews.com
  5. MSM Journos Inadvertently Reveal Shocking Truth About Global Warming - zerohedge.com
  6. Pro-Life Campaign Ads Show Aborted Children to Steer Support Away from Kamala Harris - lifesitenews.com
  7. UN General Assembly Votes to Make Old Jerusalem 'Jew Free' - Orders Jews Out of Old City - thegatewaypundit.com
  8. All Roads Lead to Rome? - chick.com
  9. 'She's Purely a Media Creation': Tucker Carlson Exposes How Terrible Kamala Harris Really is - dailycaller.com
  10. Everything You Need to Know About the Conflict in Ukraine - lewrockwell.com
  11. Smoke and Mirrors: What Happens After Biden's Economic Manipulations Disappear? - lewrockwell.com
  12. Tim Walz: Actually, My Political Agenda is Your Business - townhall.com