Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Today in the News - Thursday, December 26 2024

               Today's Headlines

  1. American Policy Center Promises Support for Anti-UN Legislation -
  2. Dr. Malone: Bird Flu 'Emergency' in California is a Case of Psychological Bioterrorism -
  3. Walmart Removes Sinwar T-Shirt But Leaves Nasrallah Shirt on Shelves -
  4. Husbands Who Abused Adopted Sons in 'House of Horrors' Slapped with Massive Prison Sentences -
  5. Biden Laments Defense Spending Bill Ban on Sex Change Surgeries for Kids -
  6. Of Course the NYT Mocks the Virgin Mary - townhall com
  7. The Best Christmas Gift of All: Trump Saved the United States of America -
  8. The Relevancy of Drudge is Over - 
  9. Screw the Bald Eagle: Maybe the Fetus Should Be Our New National Bird -
  10. How the Third Reich Remade German Christmas in the Nazi Image - 
  11. Tucker Carlson on Trump, NJ Drones, and Luigi Mangioni... -
  12. America's Unsolvable Spending Crisis: Brace for Impact -
  13. 2 Important Drone Questions No One is Asking (If There Be Drones) -
  14. In Memoriam:  Look Back at KJB's Biggest Fibs as Her Time in the White House Ends -
  15. 'Full of Hope': How Pro-Lifers Convicted of Praying Outside Abortion Clinics Spend Christmas in Prison -
  16. Gov. Abbot Erects Signs in Mexico: "How Much Did You Pay to Have Your Daughter Raped?" -
  17. Denmark's "Cow Fart" Tax is a Statist Intervention to Change Public Behavior -
  18. Iran's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Year - 
    1. Cal Thomas: Oh, Christmas Tree -
    2. Ann Coulter: Kill Obamacare, Not CEOs -
    3. Ron Paul: End Congress's Christmas Tradition -
    4. Guy Benson Bye: Israel Shuts Down Embassy in Hostile Country -
    5. David Stockman: It's Time to "Allocate", Mr. President Elect -
    6. Candace Owen: A Personal Announcement -
    7. John Stossel: The White Pill -
    8. Guy Benson: The Anti-Racist Acquittal of Daniel Penny -
    9. Lew Rockwell: The Great Ralph Raico -
    10. Katie Pavlich: The Details Are in on How Feds Are Blowing Your Tax Dollars -
    11. Katie Pavlich: Here's the Final Tally on How Much Money Trump Raised for Hurricane Victims -
    12. Allen West: The False gods of Leftism -
    13. Ben Shapiro: The Milei Revolution -
    14. Tucker Carlson: Watch: Will We See Declassification of 9/11 Documents  -
    15. Derek Hunter: Let the Democrats Have Their Blanket Pardons. It's Screw Them in the End -
    16. Jerry Newcombe: Four Presidents on the Wonder of Christmas -
    Earlier Headlines
    1. 'Don't Mess with Us' - Shocking New Details of Israel's Mossad Operation to Detonate Hezbollah Pagers, Instilling Fear Across the Middle East -
    2. Israel's Message to Syria's New Rulers: No Jihadists in South Syria, Buffer Zone will Be Given to 'Responsible Party' -
    3. 'Should Scare Every American': Top Trump Advisor Mike Walz Explains Danger of Iran Getting Nuclear Weapons -
    4. Living in a Time When Murderers are Called Heroes, and God is Called Hateful -
    5. White House Says Pakistan Developing Long Range Nuke-Capable Missile Capable of Reaching the US -
    6. 'On the Brink of Explosion': A Clash is Coming in the Middle East -
    7. 'Obviously of No Use to the Country': Top Radio Hosts Says All But This One Reporter Should Be Banned from White House -
    8. Fake Loser Hollywood People are Eating Each Other -
    9. Biden Admin Quietly Withdraws Title IX Rule Forcing Schools to Let Boys Compete in Girl's Sports -
    10. 'Dark World': These Nations are the Top Persecutors of Christians in 2024 -
    11. Recent Studies Freeze Climate Alarmists -
    12. Britain: How to Destroy an Economy in Six Months -
    13. Righty Tighty: A Simple Way Donald Trump Can End the Ukraine War and Israeli War -
    14. 'Orwellian': Rand Paul Festivus Report Shows Feds Spent Millions Torturing Cats -
    15. Murder Victim's Daughter Reacts: Biden "And His Followers Have Blood on Their Hands" -
    16. Merry Christmas from the New York Times -
    17. The Vatican was Silent During the Holocaust, Now it Spreads Modern Libels': MK Chikli -

    How God Wants Us to Worship Him

      How God Wants Us to Worship Him , by Joe Morecraft III ---------------------- Here is how God DOES NOT want us to worship Him:  Creative C...