Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Today in History - September 28

 48 - BC Pompey is assassinated by order of King Ptolemy upon arriving in Egypt (Source)

Recommended sermons and podcasts:

  1. Pompey to 70 AD, by Ken Griffeth

1928 - Alexander Flemming notices a bacteria-killing mold growing in his laboratory, discovering what later became known as penicillin (Source)

Recommended sermons and podcasts:

  1. Ten of the Top Scientific Facts in the Bible - Living Waters ministries
  2. Medical Ethics, Part 1, by Dr. Del Bailey
  3. Medical Ethics, Part 2, by Dr. Del Bailey
  4. Medical Ethics, Part 3, by Dr. Del Bailey
  5. Medical Transgendering of Children, by Jim Schneider of Crosstalk America
  6. American Boy Disease - ADHA/ABD - 20% Diagnosed and Drugged, by  Pastor Kevin Swanson

1951 - CBS makes the first color television available for sale to the general public, but the product is discontinued less than a month later (Source)

Recommended sermons and podcasts:

  1. TV's Power of Suggestion - The Other 13 Reasons Netflix Won't Dare to Mention, by Pastor Kevin Swanson
  2. Should Christians Watch Movies? by Dr. David P. Murray [Note: The text for Dr. Murray's sermon is Revelation 18:4 (Audio): "And I heard another voice from heaven saying, Come out of her, my people, my people, that ye be not partaker of her sins, and that ye share not in her plagues."

Recommended poems:

News Roundup and Comment

 News Roundup and Comment , by Jim Schneider of Crosstalk America