Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Today in the News - Wednesday, September 28, 2022

                   Today's Headlines:

  1. Is America Preparing the Way for a One World Ruler? - christianpost.com
  2. Russia Gives Citizenship to Ex-CIA Contractor Edward Snowden - apnews.com
  3. We're Ready to Team up With Russia', Xi Tells Putin - greatgameindia.com
  4. Rainbows Over Rome: 'Synodality in All-Out Bid to Embrace Active Homosexuality' - lifesitenews.com
  5. Beyond Sick! Drag Queen Dances While Little Girl Repeatedly Rubs Her Hand Up and Down the Crotch of "Little Mermaid" Costume While Another Drag Queen Spreads Legs Wide Open on Stage for Toddlers (Video) - thegatewaypundit.com
  6. New York Times Admits That Hundreds of 'Top Surgeries' Are Being Performed on Children - dailysignal.com
  7. Global Warming Pseudoscience is Poised to Wreck US Economy - americanthinker.com
  8. U.S. Blew Up Russian Gas Pipeline Nord Stream 1 & 2, Say Former Polish Defense Minister - zerohedge.com
  9. Judgment Day: Nothing Can Stop What is Coming - lewrockwell.com
  1. Ann Coulter: Fight Racism: Lock Up Criminals, Even Black Ones - townhall.com
  2. Ann Coulter: Fetterman's Murderous Campaign Aids: How it Happened - townhall.com
  3. Ron Paul: The Federal Reserve Wants You Fired - lewrockwell.com
  4. Ron Paul: School Shutdowns Leave Children Behind - lewrockwell.com
  5. "The Government Needs to Do A Lot Less Real Soon!" - lewrockwell.com
  6. Ben Shapiro: Those Who Want to Destroy the Constitution - cnsnews.com
  7. Michelle Malkin: Beware of Big Bathroom Brother - cnsnews.com
  8. Andrew Napolitano: On Government Invasion of Private Property - lewrockwell.com
  9. Patrick Buchanan: How Liberal Elites Detest Middle America - towhnall.com
  10. Patrick Buchanan: Biden Commits US to War for Taiwan - lewrockwell.com
  11. Putin's Narrowing Options - cnsnews.com
  12. Oliver North and David Goetsch: Why Military Enlistments Are Plummeting - townhall.com
  13. Biden's Bumbling and Stumbling Could Start WWIII  - townhall.com
  14. Biden's 'Fighting Like Hell' to Destroy the Working Class - townhall.com
  15. Larry Elder: Climate Change Forecasts - townhall.com
  16. David Stockman: Why the Climate Crisis is a Big Hoax - lewrockwell.com
  17. David Stockman: Why the Mirage of Lowflation Era is Coming to an End - lewrockwell.com
  18. David Stockman: Why "Globa Warming" Didn't Cause Today's Economic Disaster, Government Did - lewrockwell.com

News Roundup and Comment

 News Roundup and Comment , by Jim Schneider of Crosstalk America