Thursday, September 29, 2022

Today in the News - Friday, September 30, 2022

                     Today's Headlines:

  1. Gunman Kills 15, Injures 24 in Russia School Shooting -
  2. Biden and Nuclear War -
  3. Medvedev Says US, NATO Won't Intervene if Russia Uses Nukes -
  4. Pedophiles Celebrate: Spanish Minister Declare Children Can Have Sex 'With Whomever they Want,' if They 'Consent' (Video) -
  5. Nord Stream Pipeline Sabotage Clearly Orchestrated by Ruthless Biden Regime: Nuland, Biden and Sen. Johnson All Demanded "Ending it Permanently" by Any Means -
  6. All Over the World Conservatives Are Waking Up to Threat of New Marxists -
  7. Tea Party Co-Founder 'Absolutely 100%' Certain Biden's 87,000 New IRS Agents Will Target Ordinary Citizens, Political Opponents -
  8. The Pandemic was the Grand Rehearsal for the Great Reset -
  9. Al Gore and John Kerry Aim to Hijack World Bank for Climate Agenda -
  1. Ann Coulter: Fight Racism: Lock Up Criminals, Even Black Ones -
  2. Ann Coulter: Fetterman's Murderous Campaign Aids: How it Happened -
  3. Ron Paul: The Federal Reserve Wants You Fired -
  4. Ron Paul: School Shutdowns Leave Children Behind -
  5. "The Government Needs to Do A Lot Less Real Soon!" -
  6. Ben Shapiro: Those Who Want to Destroy the Constitution -
  7. Michelle Malkin: Beware of Big Bathroom Brother -
  8. Andrew Napolitano: On Government Invasion of Private Property -
  9. Patrick Buchanan: How Liberal Elites Detest Middle America -
  10. Patrick Buchanan: Biden Commits US to War for Taiwan -
  11. Putin's Narrowing Options -
  12. Oliver North and David Goetsch: Why Military Enlistments Are Plummeting -
  13. Biden's Bumbling and Stumbling Could Start WWIII  -
  14. Biden's 'Fighting Like Hell' to Destroy the Working Class -
  15. Larry Elder: Climate Change Forecasts -
  16. David Stockman: Why the Climate Crisis is a Big Hoax -
  17. David Stockman: Why the Mirage of Lowflation Era is Coming to an End -
  18. David Stockman: Why "Globa Warming" Didn't Cause Today's Economic Disaster, Government Did -

News Roundup and Comment

 News Roundup and Comment , by Jim Schneider of Crosstalk America