Friday, October 21, 2022

Climate Protestors Glue Hands to Porshe Showroom - Complain After Realizing They Have No Way to Use the Restroom

 Climate Protestors Glue Hands to Porshe Showroom - Complain After Realizing They Have No Way to Use the Restroom -


Recommended reading: 

  1. David Stockman: Why the Climate Crisis is a Big Hoax -
  2. The End is Near (And It Can't Come Fast Enough!) -

Excerpt from this second article:

"In 12 years, we'll all be dead. An unstoppable force will wipe out all of humanity, most of the animals, and even some of the cockroaches. It's not climate change, it's the smugness of the true believers, the brainwashed masses of millennials who will one day be in positions to implement the absolute bat-feces crazy ideas they are espousing today."

For further research on climate change/global warming...

  1. Greenie Doomsayers Have Been Wrong Every Time. Now They Should Get More Power? -
  2. How Many Silent Sceptics Are There At NOAA? Dr. Rex Flemming Speaks Out After Years of Working There (Video)-

The Dan Bongino Show 🔥 [BREAKING NEWS] Trump Wins Again! Democrats in Chaos After Media Disaster!

The Dan Bongino Show 🔥 [BREAKING NEWS] Trump Wins Again! Democrats in Chaos After Media Disaster!