Thursday, October 13, 2022

Today in the News - Thursday, October 13, 2022

                              Today's Headlines:

  1. Video: Russia Goes Scorched Earth with Massive New Missile Barrage on Ukraine; Civilian Centers Hit, Power and Water Targeted -
  2. Putin's New Ukraine Commander Dubbed "General Armageddon" for Ruthless Track Record -
  3. 'They're Going to freeze, Then Starve': Deaths in Forecast Thanks to Globalists -
  4. 'Renewal of Our Minds': Church Features Drag Queen in Kids' Sermon -
  5. Tulsi Gabbard Quits Democratic Party, Attacking 'Elitist Cabal of Warmongers' -
  6. Biden Admin: Trans Women Must Register for Draft, Trans Men Don't Have To -
  7. Burn the Science: Germany Announces Plan to "Thermally Recycle" 800 Million COVID Masks as Fuel Amid Energy Crisis -
  8. The Threat of Nuclear War and the Distinct Possibility of Cyber and Biological War -
  1. Ann Coulter: Darkness at Dune: The Nightmare of Martha's Vinyard -
  2. Katie Pavlich: Biden's Latest 'Threat to Democracy' -
  3. Ron Paul: Americans Suffer from Natural and Government created Disasters -
  4. "The Government Needs to Do A Lot Less Real Soon!" -
  5. Should We Seek an Off Ramp in Ukraine? -
  6. Michelle Malkin: The Great Parental Replacement -
  7. Andrew Napolitano: Taking Rights Seriously -
  8. Patrick Buchanan: Is Democracy "Failing" Our Country? -
  9. Larry Elder: Iowa Republican Governor Attacked for 'Racists' Political Ad -
  10. Why We'll Continue to Have High and Sticky Inflation Ahead -

Our Nation Laid in God's Balance, by Dr. Joel Beeke

                                                                                       The text for this sermon is  Jeremiah 9:9 : "Sha...