Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Today in the News - Wednesday, October 5, 2022

                         Today's Headlines:

  1. 'Highly Profitable': Pediatric Gender Clinics are Opening All Across the Country - gellerreport.com
  2. US Would Lead NATO to 'Take Out Every Russian Conventional Force' if Putin Uses Nukes in Ukraine, Petraeus - zerohedge.com
  3. Russian Nuclear Sub With 'Doomsday Weapon' Disappears in Artic - israelnationalnews.com
  4. Why Are Witchcraft, Ouija Boards, Tarot Cards, and the Occult Raging? Experts Deliver Convincing Realiychristianpost.com
  5. How Childhood Experiences and Beliefs Can Shape Gender Identity - dailysignal.com
  6. Trump Asks SCOTUS to Intervene on Mar - a - Lago Case - townhall.com
  7. Tucker Carlson Cites Blinken 'Admission' of Responsibility for Nord Stream Destruction - wnd.com
  1. Ann Coulter: Fight Racism: Lock Up Criminals, Even Black Ones - townhall.com
  2. Ann Coulter: Fetterman's Murderous Campaign Aids: How it Happened - townhall.com
  3. Katie Pavlich: Biden's Latest 'Threat to Democracy' - townhall.com
  4. Ron Paul: Americans Suffer from Natural and Government created Disasters - lewrockwell.com
  5. "The Government Needs to Do A Lot Less Real Soon!" - lewrockwell.com
  6. Ben Shapiro: Those Who Want to Destroy the Constitution - cnsnews.com
  7. Michelle Malkin: Beware of Big Bathroom Brother - cnsnews.com
  8. Andrew Napolitano: On Government Invasion of Private Property - lewrockwell.com
  9. Patrick Buchanan: Is Democracy "Failing" Our Country? - cnsnews.com
  10. Larry Elder: Climate Change Forecasts - townhall.com
  11. David Stockman: Why the Climate Crisis is a Big Hoax - lewrockwell.com
  12. David Stockman: Why the Mirage of Lowflation Era is Coming to an End - lewrockwell.com
  13. David Stockman: Why "Globa Warming" Didn't Cause Today's Economic Disaster, Government Did - lewrockwell.com

Today in History - July 4

   The following Bible readings are taken from the website,  Oneyearbibleonline.com . If you follow this reading plan you will read through ...