Thursday, December 29, 2022

Today in History - December 30, 2022

   A special thanks to for following historical information. The sermons I have chosen from

December 30

1702 - Queen Ann's War: James Moore, Governor of the Providence of Carolina, abandons the Siege of St. Augustine (Source)

Recommended sermons and podcasts: The Colonial Wars of America and Providential Significance, by Historian Bill Potter

1865 - Indian/English author, poet, and Nobel Prize laureate, Rudyard Kipling. is Born (Source)

Recommended sermon: The Gracious Lips of Jesus, by Pastor Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892) [Text: Psalm 45:2]

Recommended poem by Rudyard Kipling:

  1. If
  2. The Female of the Species
  3. White Man's Burden
This last poem is about the Philippine-American War (1899-1902). Here is what historian Howard Zinn says about this war:
"A volunteer from this state of Washington wrote: 'Our fighting blood was up, and we all wanted to kill 'n***rs.' ...This shooting human beings beats rabbit hunting all to pieces.' It was a time of intense racism in the United States. In the years between 1889 and 1903, on the average, every week, two Nigroes were lynched by mobs-hanged, burned, mutilated. The Filipinos were brown-skinned and strange looking to Americans...Our men have been relentless, have killed to exterminate men, women, children prisoners and captives. Active insurgents and suspected people from lads ten up, the idea prevailing that the Philippino as such was little better than a dog..." -  The Twentieth Century

News Roundup and Comment

 News Roundup and Comment , by Jim Schneider of Crosstalk America