Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Today in the News - December 29, 2022

  Today's Headlines:

  1. Israel Begins Pumping Desalinated Water from Mediterranean to Kinneret -
  2. Arizona Considers $5.5 Billion Water Desalination Plant, 200 Mile Pipeline from Mexico to Combat Draught -
  3. Impoverished Canadians Seek Euthanasia While Justin Trudeau Vacations in Jamaca -
  4. Number of Americans Listing 'None' as Their Religious Affiliation Suddenly Changes -
  5. 10 Things We Learned About UFOs (Or Lack Thereof) in 2022 -
  6. After Decades of Denial, Corporate Media Admits Chemtrail Terraforming is Happening Right Now to 'Fight Climate Change' -
  7. No Counseling Against Queerness: US Judge Hammers Christian View -
  8. Wingardium Levi...Oh, Who Cares at This Point? Harry Potter Rumors Hit Hollywood -
  9. Sen Hawley: 'FBI Deliberately Interfered in Not One But Two Presidential Elections' -
  10. Putin Critic Falls Out Window, Dies -
  11. US Bishop: Biden, Pelosi Serve 'Godless' Agenda of Same Sex 'Marriage', Abortion -


  1. Katie Pavlich: The Omnibus Abomination -
  2. Omnibus Shows Congress's Priorities: Authoritarianism and War -
  3. Dan Bongino Video: A National Security Nightmare is Happening -
  4. Allen West: The Real Threat to the Republic -
  5. Chuck Norris: Why Our Founding Fathers Didn't Celebrate the Holiday Like We Do -
  6. Ben Shapiro: The Left's Cynical 'Speech is Violence' Ploy -
  7. Cal Thomas: Bad Political Theatre -
  8. Ann Coulter: Gays, You're Not Black -
  9. Patrick Buchanan: Still Against "Dead Consensus" -
  10. John Stossel: Inconvenient Facts About Electric Cars -
  11. Stephen Green: So Long, and Thanks for all the Judges -
  12. Andrew Napolitano: Thanksgiving in America -
  13. Andrew Napolitano: The Tyranny of the Majority -
  14. David Stockman: What History Tells Us About Taming Inflation -
  15. Larry Elder: A Pro-Abortion Advocate Made This Case Against Abortion - townhall.comToday

News Roundup and Comment

 News Roundup and Comment , by Jim Schneider of Crosstalk America