Tuesday, January 31, 2023

The Police - Damned if They Do, Damned if They Don't, by Herbert T. Klein (1968)

 The Police - Damned if They Do, Damned if They Don't, by Herbert T. Klein (1968) 


Someone once said, "I can walk and chew gum at the same time." It is possible to support the police and still condemn them when they break the very law they are paid to enforce.  

Recommended video: You Have the Right to Remain Innocent - What Police Officers Tell Their Kids About the Fifth Amendment, by James Duane

Also recommended: The Briefing for Monday, January 30, 2023, by Dr. Albert Mohler. Jr

USAID & UN: Deep State Tools Fomenting Persecution of Christians Worldwide

  USAID & UN: Deep State Tools Fomenting Persecution of Christians Worldwide - The New American ----------------------- Ron Paul Liberty...