Sunday, January 29, 2023

Today in History - January 30

 A special thanks to for following historical information. The sermons I have chosen from

1661 - Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, is ritually executed more than two years after his death, on the 12th anniversary of the execution of the monarch he himself deposed (Source)

Recommended sermons and podcasts:

  1. Oliver Cromwell: Saint, Soldier, Statesmen, by Dr. Alan Cairns (Text: Hebrews 8)
  2. Oliver Cromwell, by Dr. Peter Hammond
  3. Oliver Cromwell and His Russet-Coated Heroes, by Bill Potter
  4. The Life and Labors of Oliver Cromwell, by Rev. Colin Mercer
  5. Oliver Cromwell Lord Protector of England, by Rev. Ian Goligher (Text: 1 Samuel 18:12)

Answers in Genesis: Evolutionists Do NOT Want You Knowing the Truth About These Islands

  Six Days & the Eisegesis Problem , Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis