Thursday, February 1, 2024

Daily Bible Reading for Friday, February 2, 2024

               The following Bible readings are taken from the website, If you follow this reading plan you will read through the whole Bible in one year. I highly encourage you to do so. Also, the sermons below each section are ones that I have chosen from the website,

Exodus 15:19-17:7

Sermons on Exodus 15:

  1. Israel's First Trial in the Wilderness, by Rev. Cornelis (Neil) Pronk [Text: Exodus 15]
  2. They That Are Gone to Hell Are All of Them in Despair, Eternal Damnation, by Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) [Text: Exodus 15:1; Isaiah 38:18]
Sermons on Exodus 16 & 17:
  1. Lessons From the Manna, by Pastor Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892) [Text: Exodus 16]
  2. Bread From Heaven, by Rev. Stephen Hamilton [Exodus 16]
  3. Massah and Meribah, by Rev. Mark Kelderman {Text: Exodus 17; 1 Corinthians 10]
  4. The Rock That Was Stuck, by Rev. Jarrold H. Lewis [Text: Exodus 17]

Matthew 22:1-33

Sermons on Matthew 22:

  1. Whose Son is Jesus? by Evangelist Rolfe Barnard (1904-1969) [Text: Matthew 22]
  2. Preparing to Witness to Mormons At Upcoming General Conference, by Dr. James White [Text: Matthew 22:29; Ephesians 2:1]
  3. The Wedding Garment, by Rev. Reginald Cranston [Text: Matthew 22]
  4. The Glory of the Exaulted Savior, by Rev. John Koopman [Text: Matthew 22; Psalm 110]
  5. Irresistible Grace, #1, by Rev. Paul den Butter [Text: Matthew 22:1-14]

Psalm 27