Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Why God Lets Men Perish

 Why God Lets Men Perish, by Dr. Ian Brown

The text for this sermon is Romans 9:22 & 23: "What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction: And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory."

Here are 2 related sermons:

  1. The Decree of Reprobation, by Rev. Cornelis (Neil) Pronk [Text: Romans 9]
  2. John Calvin: The Galleons of Grace, by Dr. Ian Brown [Text: Romans 8:29 & 30
  3. Total Depravity, by Rev. Paul den Butter

Taylor Swift Does Not Belong in Your Christian Era

 Taylor Swift Does Not Belong in Your Christian Era - lewrockwell.com

 Satan Worship in Pop Concerts - Five Satanic Devices to Be Aware Of, by Pastor Kevin Swanson


Where Are the Executive Actions to Secure the Border? A Look Back at 9/11 - dailysignal.com

 Where Are the Executive Actions to Secure the Border? A Look Back at 9/11 - dailysignal.com


Recommended reading:

  1. There is a Direct Link Between JFK, 9/11 and COVID-19 - lewrockwell.com
  2. More recommended reading: Towers of Deception – The Media Cover-Up of 9/11 – Barrie Zwicker

    Select quotes from this book:

    • “…to logically believe in the official story you have to believe there were 19 kamikaze Arab hijackers who could hijack four commercial airlines all at once and outsmart the $44-billion-a-year US intelligence apparatus and outwit NORAD, the FAA, and the US Air Force and fly the airlines with pinpoint accuracy into the Twin Towers and Pentagon and thus bring the towers down (a first in architectural history) and that all this was orchestrated by Osama bin Laden or some other member of al Qaeda.”
    • “In the day before 9/11, unusual volumes of trading had occurred in certain 9/11-related stocks. This involved ‘put-options’ – investments that pay off only when a stock drops in price.”
    • “The official theory of the collapse, therefore, is essentially a fire theory. Yet fire never caused large steel-framed buildings to collapse before or after 9/11.”
    • On Christmas Day, 2001, the New York Times said: ‘The decision to rapidly recycle the steel columns, beams, and trusses from the WTC in the days immediately after 9/11 means definitive answers may never be known.’ The next week, Fire Engineering Magazine said: ‘We are literally treating the steel removed from the site like garbage, not like crucial fire scene evidence…’”
    • “Number of days after event that an independent investigation was ordered:
    1. Event
    2. Sinking of the titanic 6
    3. JFK Assassination 7
    4. Challenger Disaster 7
    5. Pearl Harbor Attack 9
    6. Events of 9/11 441

Big Pharma Finally Admits COVID Vaccines Can Cause Blood Clots - What You Can Do About It!

Big Pharma Finally Admits COVID Vaccines Can Cause Blood Clots - What You Can Do About It! - zerohedge.com

Recommended podcasts: 

  1. Federal Health Agencies and COVID Cartel: What Are they Hiding? Part 1, by Jim Schneider of Crosstalk America
  2. Federal Health Agencies and COVID Cartel: What Are they Hiding? Part 2, by Jim Schneider of Crosstalk America

Living with Climate Change

 Living with Climate Change - americanthinker.com


More recommended reading: 

Excerpt from this second article: "In 12 years, we'll all be dead. An unstoppable force will wipe out all of humanity, most of the animals, and even some of the cockroaches. It's not climate change, it's the smugness of the true believers, the brainwashed masses of millennials who will one day be in positions to implement the absolute bat-feces crazy ideas they are espousing today." 

My Picks from Sermonaudio for Wednesday, May 1, 2024

  1. Earnest Hemmingway, Bertrand Russell, and Taylor Swift - From Johnny Horton to Dispair, by Pastor Kevin Swanson
  2. Muslims Set Fire to Christians Homes in Egypt, by Adam McManus of Worldview in Five Minutes
  3. The Briefing for Tuesday, April 30, 2024, by Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
  4. Federal Health Agencies and COVID Cartel: What Are they Hiding? Part 1, by Jim Schneider of Crosstalk America
  5. Federal Health Agencies and COVID Cartel: What Are they Hiding? Part 2, by Jim Schneider of Crosstalk America
  6. Natural Family DayCrosstalk America
  7. What's the Role of Science? by Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis
  8. Terrorism Against Israel - How the Christian Should Think and Act, by Dr. Ian Brown [Text:
  9. Alex Newman Rally: Exposing the Great Reset, Part 1 - Dalton Wilton of Crosstalk America
  10. Alex Newman Rally: Exposing the Great Reset, Part 2 - Dalton Wilton of Crosstalk America
  11. News Roundup and Comment - Dalton Wilton of Crosstalk America
  12. Christ is King: Yes, Yes He Is! by Dr. James White
  13. Social Credit Score and SSNs, by Dan Botterbrodt
  14. Marriage, Divorce, and the Barbie Movie, by Dr. David Mackereth [Text: Proverbs 31:10-31]
  15. Inaugurated Eschatology with Joel Beeke, by Dewey Dovel
  16. Puritanism with Joel Beeke, by Dewey Dovel
  17. Examples of Automatic Writing and Their Influence on Evangelicalism, by Dave Jenkins of Contending for the Word

Today in the News - May 1, 2024

    Today's Headlines

  1. If You Want People to Have Babies You Are Now "Far Right" - zerohedge.com
  2. Sound Monetary Policy in Under 40 Words - lewrockwell.com
  3. With Only Weeks Away, Experts Urgently Warn WHO Pandemic Treaty Will Usurp US Sovereignty - harbingerdaily.com
  4. $3.5 Billion Slipped into Ukraine-Israel Aid Bill to 'Supercharge Mass Migration from Middle East' - zerohedge.com
  5. Big Pharma Finally Admits COVID Vaccines Can Cause Blood Clots - What You Can Do About It! - zerohedge.com
  6. Where Are the Executive Actions to Secure the Border? A Look Back at 9/11 - dailysignal.com
  7. Living with Climate Change - americanthinker.com
  8. 9 Major Risks of a Cashless Society - lewrockwell.com  
  9. Taylor Swift Does Not Belong in Your Christian Era - lewrockwell.com
  10. The Indoctrination of TikTok Continues - Here's What 'Trans' Activists Are Teaching Your Kids - townhall.com


  1. FBI Colludes with Banks in Fascist Style Surveillance Operations - thenewamerican.com
  2. I Can't Keep This to Myself Any Longer - Michael Franzese
  3. Watch: Tucker Carlson: How AI Will Affect Work 
  4. What You're Not Suppose to Know About America's Founding - thenewamerican.com
  5. Professor David Clements: Unrigging National Elections - thenewamerican.com
  6. Watch: Tucker Carlson: Scariest, Most Important Criminal Case You've Never Heard of wnd.com
  7. Journalists Boast They're Not for Democrats. Here are the Facts - frontpagemag.com
  8. 72 Types of Americans That Are Considered "Potential Terrorists" in Official Government Documents - lewrockwell.com
  9. Biden Looks to Sanction Elite IDF, Sparking Alarm Throughout Israel - wnd.com
  10. Hugh Chunk of Gen Z: Israel Has No Right to Exist as a Nation in the Mideast - wnd.com
  11. How Do You Solve a Problem Like Mike Johnson? americanthinker.com
  1. David Stockman: The Rising Tide That Lifted All Yachts - lewrockwell.com
  2. Paul Craig Roberts: Biden: White Americans Are A Threat - lewrockwell.com
  3. Chuck Norris: If My 103 Year Old Mom Were President - wnd.com
  4. Lew Rockwell: The Evil of War - lewrockwell.com
  5. Ben Shapiro: Joe Biden's Bluff has Been Called, Once Again - wnd.com
  6. Tucker Carlson: The Real Reason Republicans Aren't Blocking the Invasion - lewrockwell.com
  7. Ron Paul: TikTok Hypocrisy - lewrockwell.com
  8. Ann Coulter: NYC Subway: Where Safety is No. 30 or Something - townhall.com
  9. Ann Coulter: The Beautiful Humanity of Death Row - townhall.com
  10. John Stossel: '15 Days to Stop the Spread' - townhall.com
  11. Katie Pavlich: White House Again Denies Brutal Reality of Electric Vehicles - townhall.com
  12. Llewellyn: How the Democrats Plan to Steal the Election - lewrockwell.com
 Yesterday's  Headlines

Daily Sermon for the Hearing Impaired: The Plague of Darkness

The Plague of Darkness, by Joe W Allen  [Text: Exodus]

Note: This daily sermon for the hearing impaired is dedicated to my good friend, David J. Bishop, who went home to be with his Lord Jesus on July 1, 2021. David was the inspiration for me to begin posting links to sermons for the hearing impaired. David's not deaf anymore. And the first words he heard were from our Lord Jesus, saying to him, "Well done, David, thou good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of thy Lord!" [Matthew 25:21]

Here is one of the last pictures David sent to me before he died. He was a big sports fan and LOVED the Seattle Seahawks! He was also a BIG baseball fan. I'm sure if David had been able to hear he would have loved the song, Take Me Out to the Ball Game! But David loved our Lord Jesus much, much, much more than any sporting event!

Recommended sermon: The Deaf Ministry of Jesus, by Jon Speed 

Today in History - May 1

 A special thanks to Wikipedia.org for following historical information. The sermons I have chosen from Sermonaudio.com

1807 – The Slave Trade Act 1807 takes effect, abolishing the slave trade within the British Empire.[3]

Recommended podcast:  Leave Slavery Up to the States - How to Save the Nation in 1860 and 2024, by Pastor Kevin Swanson

1956 – The polio vaccine developed by Jonas Salk is made available to the public.

Recommended videos:

Recommended reading and podcasts:

  1. Covid...Shots...Sudden Deaths - What's Going On? by Jim Schneider of Crosstalk America
  2.  Is COVID "Vaccines" Causing Sudden Deaths? by David Wheaton of The Christian Worldview
  3. They Can No Longer Hide or Explain Away the Number of Vaccinated People Who Have Died, by Geoffrey Grider of nowtheendbegins.com
  4. Deaths from Vaccine Damaged Hearts, Entertainers and Athletes Drop Dead, Myocarditis, by Dr. James White 
Recommended video: ‘Brought to You by Pfizer’: These Are News Programs That Are Sponsored by Big Pharma

 Note: Up until COVID I have always been very Pro-vaccine. For a good lecture by a qualified medical professional on vaccines in general, please listen to The Vaccine Wars, by Richard Holdeman, Ph.D. Here is a short excerpt from this lecture:

"Next to clean water, vaccinations have saved more lives than anything else in history." Dr. Holdeman has a Ph.D. in Cell and Molecular biology.

1961 – The Prime Minister of Cuba, Fidel Castro, proclaims Cuba a socialist nation and abolishes elections.

2009Same-sex marriage is legalized in Sweden.[20]

Westminster Shorter Catechism Q & A #76-80

The following is from thewestminsterstandard.org:

Q. 76. Which is the ninth commandment?
A. The ninth commandment is, Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.

Q. 77. What is required in the ninth commandment?
A. The ninth commandment requireth the maintaining and promoting of truth between man and man, and of our own and our neighbor’s good name, especially in witness bearing.

Q. 78. What is forbidden in the ninth commandment?
A. The ninth commandment forbiddeth whatsoever is prejudicial to truth, or injurious to our own or our neighbor’s good name.

Q. 79. Which is the tenth commandment?
A. The tenth commandment is, Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife, nor his man-servant, nor his maid-servant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbor’s.

Q. 80. What is required in the tenth commandment?
A. The tenth commandment requireth full contentment with our own condition, with a right and charitable frame of spirit toward our neighbor, and all that is his.

Daily Bible Verses for Wednesday. May 1, 2024

 "And when the servant of the man of God was risen early, and gone forth, behold, an host compassed the city both with horses and chariots. And his servant said unto him, Alas, my master! how shall we do? And he answered, Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them. And Elisha prayed, and said, LORD, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha." - 2 Kings 6:15-17

The following sermons are on 2 Kings 6:15-17:
  1. 2 Kings 6:15, by Douglas R. Ardis, Sr.
  2. God's Saints in the Majority, Part 1, by Rev. Colin Mercer
  3. God's Saints in the Majority, Part 2, by Rev. Colin Mercer
  4. Lord, Open His Eyes - An Exhortation for Young Men, by Pastor Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892)
  5. Eyes to See Spiritual Things, by Rev. Ian Goligher
  6. The Greatest Defense Force in the World, by Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley (1926-2014)

Daily Bible Reading for Wednesday, May 1, 2024

              The following Bible readings are taken from the website, Oneyearbibleonline.com. If you follow this reading plan you will read through the whole Bible in one year. I highly encourage you to do so. Also, the sermons below each section are ones that I have chosen from the website, Sermonaudio.com

Here are some sermons on Judges 13 & 14:
  1. Samson: The Story of His Family, by Rev. Stephen Hamilton [Judges 13]
  2. The Over-Ruler, by Pastor Joel Overduin [Text: Judges 14]

The following sermons are on John 1:1: "In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God and the word was God." - John 1:1-28:
  1. History of the Nicean Creed, by Rev. Ian Goligher
  2. Christ or Pope as Head of the Church? by Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley (1926-2014)
  3. The Son of God! The Son of Man! by Dr. Joel Beeke
Here is how a friend of mine explained John 1:1 to me:

“Now on John 1:1. The problem is that ancient Greek has no indefinite articles (a, or an). For example, they never say ‘there is a tree.’ They would just say, “There is tree.” If they wanted to be specific they would say, ‘There is the tree.’ That’s the general rule anyway. But anyone who has ever studied any language knows that there are always exceptions to the rules. If an ancient Greek was writing about a specific tree, he didn’t have to put ‘the’ in it to make it definite – you just knew by the context that it was definite, i.e., a specific tree. “The way this applies to John 1:1 is that the Greek literally says: In beginning was the word, and the word was with the God, and God was the word. First, notice that there is no ‘the’ before beginning – and yet the JW Bible (New World Translation) doesn’t say ‘a beginning’ because the context makes it pretty clear that we are talking about the beginning of creation.
“Second, notice that there is no ‘the’ before the second occurrence of ‘God.’ The Jehovah Witnesses insist that this must be translated ‘a god’ because any word without ‘the’ is indefinite, i.e., a god, a tree, etc. And as a general rule, this would be correct. But there is a grammatical reason that the Greeks could not put ‘the’ before the second reference to God – and it gets complicated. Stay with me.
“Greeks did not do sentences like we do. Take the sentence ‘Spot ran home.’ Spot is the subject, ran is the verb, and home is the direct object. We know that because we generally put subjects first toward the front of sentences and before objects. If we change the order and said ‘Home ran spot’, the sentence would be somewhat confusing because it looks like ‘home’ should be the subject of the verb ran – and that doesn’t make sense.
“Greeks didn’t do subjects and objects with word order – they did it with word endings. Very generally speaking, their subjects often ended in os, as in Logos (Word) or Theos (God). If they wanted to make Logos the object, they would spell it Logon. If they wanted to make Theos the object they would spell it Theon. Then you can put it anywhere in the sentence and still know which the subject is. Pretty straightforward.
“You’ll notice that my translation of John 1:1 above reads: ‘God was the word.’ and nearly all Bible translations translate this as ‘The word was God.’ In Greek there is no question whatsoever that ‘the Word’ is the subject and God is the object of that clause – hence, the English translation. ‘The Word was God is correct (I capitalize God to avoid for now the question of whether it should be god or God). That comes next.
“Unfortunately, there is an exception to this rule of os =subject, on = object (there are also other endings for subjects and objects by the way). The exception is this: If two nouns are connected by a ‘to be’ verb (am, are, is, was, etc.) both the subject and the object end with the same endings. It’s crazy, I know but that’s the way it works! So in the clause ‘Theos han ho logos (God was the word) the subject is ho logos (the Word) because it has the definite article (ho=the) and God is the object because, even though it has a subject ending in accordance with Greek grammar – it does not have a definite article. If the Greeks had put ‘the’ in front of God too, it not only would have been poor grammar – we couldn’t tell whether God was the subject or the object.
“So we know that Word is the subject, how do we then know if God in this verse should be definite (i.e. God) or indefinite (i.e. a god)? Context! First the broader context: In John, God is always the one true Jewish God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. To rip this one passage out of this broader context and assume that in this verse it must be ‘a god’ because there was no definite article is absurd. Second, the immediate context - the passage says ‘the Word was with the God’ (Note the ‘the’) and the Word was God. The immediate context – in fact, the exact same sentence – makes it perfectly clear that John is speaking of God and not a god.
“Now, a note on consistency. While JWs insist that Theos (God) in John 1:1 must be translated ‘a god’ because it doesn’t have a definite article (the), it is important to note that The New World Translation translates Theos as God (capital G) in John 1:6, 12, 13 and 18 – even though none of those verses put the ‘the’ in front of Theos!

“Finally, even radical liberal Greek scholars who don’t believe in Jesus deity acknowledge that John is calling Jesus God (not a god). The JW’s are simply factually in error on this one. “By the way, Revelation 1:8 in The New World Translation reads ‘I am Alpha and Omega, says Jehovah God…’ This is really interesting, because Revelation 22:12-16 says ‘Look, I am coming quickly … I am Alpha and Omega, … I Jesus sent my angel to bear witness…’ In other words, chapter 1 of the New World Translation says God is the Alpha and Omega — but chapter 22 says that Jesus is the Alpha and Omega. I once heard of a Jehovah Witness who got saved after this was pointed out the him.”

Sermon on Psalm 102: Deliverance in the Dark Paths, by Rev. Gordon Dane [Text: Psalm 102]

Recommended sermons: 
  1. The Downward Spiral, by Rev. Roger Higginson [Text: Proverbs 14:1-14]
  2. Righteouosness Exaults a Nation, by Rev. DiCanio [Text: Proverbs 14:34, Ephesians 4:28]

Monday, April 29, 2024

A Christian Pastor Goes To A Jehovahs Witness Church...This Is What Happened - Christian Valley Church


Recommended sermons and podcasts: 

  1. Witnessing to Jehovah's Witnesses, 'Part 1 and Part 2, by Rev. Ian Goligher
  2. Let's Bring the Light of God's Truth to Jehovah Witnesses, by Dr. James White 


I think the best place to begin if you choose to witness to a Jehovah's Witness is John 1:1: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." I'm not a Bible scholar or a minister - but I have a friend who is both. And I asked him to explain John 1:1 to me and how the Jehovah's Witnesses mistranslate this verse to try to prove Jesus is not God. Here is what my friend wrote:

Now on John 1:1. The problem is that ancient Greek has no indefinite articles (a, or an). For example, they never say ‘there is a tree.’ They would just say, “There is tree.” If they wanted to be specific they would say, ‘There is the tree.’ That’s the general rule anyway. But anyone who has ever studied any language knows that there are always exceptions to the rules. If an ancient Greek was writing about a specific tree, he didn’t have to put ‘the’ in it to make it definite – you just knew by the context that it was definite, i.e., a specific tree.
The way this applies to John 1:1 is that the Greek literally says: In beginning was the word, and the word was with the God, and God was the word. First, notice that there is no ‘the’ before beginning – and yet the JW Bible (New World Translation) doesn’t say ‘a beginning’ because the context makes it pretty clear that we are talking about the beginning of creation.
Second, notice that there is no ‘the’ before the second occurrence of ‘God.’ The Jehovah Witnesses insist that this must be translated ‘a god’ because any word without ‘the’ is indefinite, i.e., a god, a tree, etc. And as a general rule, this would be correct. But there is a grammatical reason that the Greeks could not put ‘the’ before the second reference to God – and it gets complicated. Stay with me.
Greeks did not do sentences like we do. Take the sentence ‘Spot ran home.’ Spot is the subject, ran is the verb, and home is the direct object. We know that because we generally put subjects first toward the front of sentences and before objects. If we change the order and said ‘Home ran spot’, the sentence would be somewhat confusing because it looks like ‘home’ should be the subject of the verb ran – and that doesn’t make sense.
Greeks didn’t do subjects and objects with word order – they did it with word endings. Very generally speaking, their subjects often ended in os, as in Logos (Word) or Theos (God). If they wanted to make Logos the object, they would spell it Logon. If they wanted to make Theos the object they would spell it Theon. Then you can put it anywhere in the sentence and still know which the subject is. Pretty straightforward.
You’ll notice that my translation of John 1:1 above reads: ‘God was the word.’ and nearly all Bible translations translate this as ‘The word was God.’ In Greek there is no question whatsoever that ‘the Word’ is the subject and God is the object of that clause – hence, the English translation. ‘The Word was God is correct (I capitalize God to avoid for now the question of whether it should be god or God). That comes next.
Unfortunately, there is an exception to this rule of os =subject, on = object (there are also other endings for subjects and objects by the way). The exception is this: If two nouns are connected by a ‘to be’ verb (am, are, is, was, etc.) both the subject and the object end with the same endings. It’s crazy, I know but that’s the way it works! So in the clause ‘Theos han ho logos (God was the word) the subject is ho logos (the Word) because it has the definite article (ho=the) and God is the object  because, even though it has a subject ending in accordance with Greek grammar – it does not have a definite article. If the Greeks had put ‘the’ in front of God too, it not only would have been poor grammar – we couldn’t tell whether God was the subject or the object.
So we know that Word is the subject, how do we then know if God in this verse should be definite (i.e. God) or indefinite (i.e. a god)? Context! First the broader context: In John, God is always the one true Jewish God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. To rip this one passage out of this broader context and assume that in this verse it must be ‘a god’ because there was no definite article is absurd. Second, the immediate context -  the passage says ‘the Word was with the God’ (Note the ‘the’) and the Word was God. The immediate context – in fact, the exact same sentence – makes it perfectly clear that John is speaking of God and not a god.
Now, a note on consistency. While JWs insist that Theos (God) in John 1:1 must be translated ‘a god’ because it doesn’t have a definite article (the), it is important to note that The New World Translation translates Theos as God (capital G) in John 1:6, 12, 13 and 18 – even though none of those verses put the ‘the’ in front of Theos!
Finally, even radical liberal Greek scholars who don’t believe in Jesus deity acknowledge that John is calling Jesus God (not a god). The JW’s are simply factually in error on this one.
By the way, Revelation 1:8 in The New World Translation reads ‘I am Alpha and Omega, says Jehovah God…’ This is really interesting because Revelation 22:12-16 says ‘Look, I am coming quickly … I am Alpha and Omega, … I Jesus sent my angel to bear witness…’ In other words, chapter 1 of the New World Translation says God is the Alpha and Omega — but chapter 22 says that Jesus is the Alpha and Omega. I once heard of a Jehovah Witness who got saved after this was pointed out to him.”

Answers in Genesis: They Claimed It Was “Rare Evolution,” But Didn’t Realize THIS

  Recommended podcasts:

  1. Answers in Genesis: 30 Years Upholding Biblical Authority! Crosstalk's Jim Schneider Interviews Ken Ham
  2. Six Days & the Eisegesis Problem, by Ken Ham

Compel Them to Come In, by Pastor Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)


 Quotes by Pastor Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834 - 1892):

"But did I hear you whisper that this was not a convenient time? Then what must I say to you? When will that convenient time come? Shall it come when you are in hell? Will that time be convenient? Shall it come when you are on your dying bed, and the death throttle is in your throat—shall it come then? Or when the burning sweat is scalding your brow; and then again, when the cold clammy sweat is there, shall those be convenient times? When pains are racking you, and you are on the borders of the tomb? No, sir, this morning is the convenient time. May God make it so. Remember, I have no authority to ask you to come to Christ to-morrow. The Master has given you no invitation to come to him next Tuesday. The invitation is, 'To-day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts as in the provocation,' for the Spirit saith 'to-day.' 'Come now and let us reason together;' why should you put it off? It may be the last warning you shall ever have. Put it off, and you may never weep again in chapel...".- from Spurgeon' Sermon Compel Them To Come In

Daily Quote for Tuesday, April 30, 2024

   War as an 'Investment': The Bizarre Business Speak of Mass Killing - zerohedge.om

Excerpt from this article: 

"Did you know the Russia-Ukraine War is a great 'investment' for the United States? A terrific opportunity to kill lots of Russians and to destroy lots of their military equipment at a relatively cheap cost to us? (Just don’t mention the price paid by Ukraine.) It gives new meaning to the expression 'making a killing' on the 'market.' To Gordon Gekko’s infamous 'greed is good' speech we must now add 'war is good.' That war is 'right.' That it 'works' – at least for America, allegedly."


The following quote is from Patrick Buchanan's book Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War:

"Churchill was exhilarated. Six months later, after the first battle of Ypres, with tens of thousands of British soldiers in their graves, he would say to Violet Asquith: 'I think a curse should rest on me - because I am so happy. I know this war is smashing and shattering the lives of thousands every moment and yet - I cannot help it - I enjoy every second.'"

Biden "Blesses" Abortion with Sign of the Cross

 Biden "Blesses" Abortion with Sign of the Cross - israel365news.com


Recommended reading: 

  1. Bill Maher: Abortion is 'Kind of ' Murder - 'I'm Just Okay with That' - mrctv.org
  2. 63% of All US Abortions are Now Done with Pills: GuttMacher Report - lifesitenews.com
  3. Planned Parenthood Committed Record 392,715 Abortions Last Year: Annual Report - lifesitenews.com


More recommended sermons and podcasts:

A Malediction

The judges sat outside the law, And in their pride no evil saw
In setting teeth to Satan's jaw, And feeding him our children.

A curse, a curse, the law it cries, A curse, a curse, on mankind's pride
A curse on him who would deny, God's image in mankind.

When viewed in terms of cost and ease, An unborn child is a disease
A holocaust soon fit to please, Our own convenience.

Torn from out their mother's womb, Denied the sky, denied the tomb
Conceived in lust to their own ruin, A sacrifice to pleasure.

A Curse, a curse their blood cries out, A curse, a curse the heavens shout!
A curse on him who dares to flout, God's image in mankind.

The doctors with their blood-red hands, Who loved their money more than man.
With greed their god they lay their plan, The butchers of mankind.

Oh, rid us of this evil Lord, And turn our hearts by cross or sword
Our nation cannot long afford, To live beneath your anger.

A Curse, a curse upon their heads, O, save them Lord, or slay them dead!
And fill our country with your dread, And turn away your anger.

The 27 Club: Stars Who Died Too Soon

 The 27 Club: Stars Who Died Too Soon - msn.com


Recommended reading: 50 Legends Who Only Became Famous After Their Death - man.com

Recommended sermons and podcasts:

Earth Day - A Phony Holiday

Earth Day - A Phony Holiday - lewrockwell.com

More recommended reading: 

Excerpt from this second article: "In 12 years, we'll all be dead. An unstoppable force will wipe out all of humanity, most of the animals, and even some of the cockroaches. It's not climate change, it's the smugness of the true believers, the brainwashed masses of millennials who will one day be in positions to implement the absolute bat-feces crazy ideas they are espousing today." 

My Picks from Sermonaudio for Tuesday, April 30, 2024

  1. Satan Worship in Pop Concerts - Five Satanic Devices to Be Aware Of, by Pastor Kevin Swanson
  2. Muslims Set Fire to Christians Homes in Egypt, by Adam McManus of Worldview in Five Minutes
  3. The Briefing for Friday, April 26, 2024, by Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
  4. Federal Health Agencies and COVID Cartel: What Are they Hiding? Part 1, by Jim Schneider of Crosstalk America
  5. Federal Health Agencies and COVID Cartel: What Are they Hiding? Part 2, by Jim Schneider of Crosstalk America
  6. The Proliferation of the LGBTQ MovementCrosstalk America
  7. Demographic Winter, by Jim Schneider of Crosstalk America
  8. Settled Science? by Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis
  9. Terrorism Against Israel - How the Christian Should Think and Act, by Dr. Ian Brown [Text:
  10. Alex Newman Rally: Exposing the Great Reset, Part 1 - Dalton Wilton of Crosstalk America
  11. Alex Newman Rally: Exposing the Great Reset, Part 2 - Dalton Wilton of Crosstalk America
  12. News Roundup and Comment - Dalton Wilton of Crosstalk America
  13. Christ is King: Yes, Yes He Is! by Dr. James White
  14. Social Credit Score and SSNs, by Dan Botterbrodt
  15. Marriage, Divorce, and the Barbie Movie, by Dr. David Mackereth [Text: Proverbs 31:10-31]
  16. Inaugurated Eschatology with Joel Beeke, by Dewey Dovel
  17. Puritanism with Joel Beeke, by Dewey Dovel
  18. The Taking Over of America, by Various Speakers
  19. A Conversation with Dr. David Gibbs, Christian Legal Association

Today in the News - Tuesday, April 30, 2024

                         Today's Headlines

  1. 'Must Eliminate Hamas at Any Cost': Israeli 'Shark' Voices on Gaza War in Post - ynet.com
  2. Biden "Blesses" Abortion with Sign of the Cross - israel365news.com
  3. Why Are Billionaires Building Underground Bunkers? - 100percentfedup.com
  4. Another Bank Bites the Dust - So Who Will Be the Next Dominoes to Fall? - theeconomiccollapseblog.com
  5. 'Harassment: Feds Impose Trans Agenda on Employers for Pronouns, Bathrooms - dailysignal.com
  6. Women Forced to Compete Against Men. Just Say No! - americanthinker.com
  7. Another Ivy League Says They're Suspending Pro-Hamas Students - townhall.com
  8. Earth Day - A Phony Holiday - lewrockwell.com
  9. Why Have Campuses Gone All in For Hamas? - frontpagemag.com


  1. FBI Colludes with Banks in Fascist Style Surveillance Operations - thenewamerican.com
  2. I Can't Keep This to Myself Any Longer - Michael Franzese
  3. Watch: Tucker Carlson: How AI Will Affect Work 
  4. What You're Not Suppose to Know About America's Founding - thenewamerican.com
  5. Professor David Clements: Unrigging National Elections - thenewamerican.com
  6. Watch: Tucker Carlson: Scariest, Most Important Criminal Case You've Never Heard of wnd.com
  7. Journalists Boast They're Not for Democrats. Here are the Facts - frontpagemag.com
  8. 72 Types of Americans That Are Considered "Potential Terrorists" in Official Government Documents - lewrockwell.com
  9. Biden Looks to Sanction Elite IDF, Sparking Alarm Throughout Israel - wnd.com
  10. Hugh Chunk of Gen Z: Israel Has No Right to Exist as a Nation in the Mideast - wnd.com
  11. How Do You Solve a Problem Like Mike Johnson? americanthinker.com
  1. David Stockman: The Rising Tide That Lifted All Yachts - lewrockwell.com
  2. Paul Craig Roberts: Biden: White Americans Are A Threat - lewrockwell.com
  3. Chuck Norris: If My 103 Year Old Mom Were President - wnd.com
  4. Lew Rockwell: The Evil of War - lewrockwell.com
  5. Ben Shapiro: Joe Biden's Bluff has Been Called, Once Again - wnd.com
  6. Tucker Carlson: The Real Reason Republicans Aren't Blocking the Invasion - lewrockwell.com
  7. Ron Paul: The Senate Calls Out Out of Control Spending a National Security Threat, Keeps Spending Anyway - lewrockwell.com
  8. Ann Coulter: NYC Subway: Where Safety is No. 30 or Something - townhall.com
  9. Ann Coulter: The Beautiful Humanity of Death Row - townhall.com
  10. John Stossel: '15 Days to Stop the Spread' - townhall.com
  11. Katie Pavlich: White House Again Denies Brutal Reality of Electric Vehicles - townhall.com
  12. Llewellyn: How the Democrats Plan to Steal the Election - lewrockwell.com
  13. Ron Paul: Final Nail in America's Coffin? - lewrockwell.com
 Yesterday's  Headlines
  1. The Marxists Come Out at George Washington University - dailysignal.com
  2. By Any Measure in Human History, Israel Has the Right to Exist - americanthinker.com
  3. Is China Rethinking its Invasion of Taiwan? - americanthinker.com
  4. One University's Warning to Entitled Students: 'Pro-Terrorism Protests Will Not Be Tolerated' - townhall.com
  5. Bill Maher Said What We're All Thinking Regarding These Pro-Hamas Clowns Blocking Traffic - townhall.com
  6. Creator of West Wing Blames This Person for January 6, and it's Not Trump - townhall.com
  7. Bill Barr Doubles Down on Supporting Trump in 2024, and CNN Can't Even - townhall.com
  8. Notorious Abortion Business Denied Exemption from Health Standards - wnd.com
  9. Israel Warns Hamas: Accept Hostage Deal, or We'll Enter Rafah - jpost.com
  10. Do 'Scientists' Really Claim There's No Simple Answer to Define 'Woman?' - thenewamerican.com
  11. Holy Chatbot: Virtual AI Priest 'Father Justin' Who Believes He's Real and Can Absolve Your Sins Faces Backlash Over Bizarre Answers - the-sun.com

Daily Sermon for the Hearing Impaired: The Plague of Boils

The Plague of Boils, by Joe W Allen  [Text: Exodus]

Note: This daily sermon for the hearing impaired is dedicated to my good friend, David J. Bishop, who went home to be with his Lord Jesus on July 1, 2021. David was the inspiration for me to begin posting links to sermons for the hearing impaired. David's not deaf anymore. And the first words he heard were from our Lord Jesus, saying to him, "Well done, David, thou good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of thy Lord!" [Matthew 25:21]

Here is one of the last pictures David sent to me before he died. He was a big sports fan and LOVED the Seattle Seahawks! He was also a BIG baseball fan. I'm sure if David had been able to hear he would have loved the song, Take Me Out to the Ball Game! But David loved our Lord Jesus much, much, much more than any sporting event!

Recommended sermon: The Deaf Ministry of Jesus, by Jon Speed 

Today in History - April 30

A special thanks to Wikipedia.org for following historical information. The sermons I have chosen from Sermonaudio.com

2009Chrysler files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

Recommended reading: 

  1. Automakers Wake Up to Reality on Electric Vehicles - dailysignal.com
  2. Ford Motor's Bill Ford Tells UAW: "My Company is Not Your Enemy, China Is" - breitbart.com


The following quote is from The Great Betrayal: How American Sovereignty and Social Justice are Being Sacrificed to the Gods of the Global Economy:

"No site better captures yesterday's America than Detroit, forge and furnace of America's democracy. Detroit is the burned out case of American cities. The Empire of the Sun has its revenge. Japanese imports helped kill the city that built the weapons that destroyed the empire. Now grandsons of the soldiers of the imperial army work at high paying manufacturing jobs once held by the fathers of ten-dollar-an-hour retail clerks in Macomb County.

"But why blame the Japanese? We did it to ourselves. We Americans created a post war trading regime, in which, over 25 years, Japan bought 400,000 American cars while selling us 40 million Japanese cars, a ratio of 100:1. One president after another sat still while a third of America's greatest industry was shipped off to Japan...

"Americans no longer make their own cameras, shoes, radios, TVs, toys. A fifth of our steal, a third of our autos, half our machine tools, and two-thirds of our textiles are made abroad...

"The decline and fall of Middle America was neither preordained nor inevitable. It was engineered in Washington D.C. Wages have fallen and the standard of living of American families has stagnated because of a basic law: the law of supply and demand. The price of labor has been dropping because the supply of labor has exploded...

"Having declared free trade and open borders to be American policy, why are we surprised that corporate executives padlocked their plants in the Rust Belt and moved over seas?  Why keep your plants here when you can manufacture at a fraction of the cost abroad, ship your goods back, and pocket the windfall profits that come from firing $20 an hour Americans and hiring fifty-cent-an-hour Asians? A pair of Nikes that sells for $150 in the United States costs $5 in wages to make in Indonesia. Any wonder that Nike president Philip Knight is the fifth richest man in America, with $5.2 billion, while his Indonesian workers make 31 cents an hour?" (Emphasis mine)

Justin Peters Ministries: Was Jimmy Carter A Born Again Christian?

Please Stop Rewriting History - Ben Shapiro Recommended reading:  Scores Wait in Bitter DC Cold to Pay Respects to Jimmy Carter: 'An Hon...