Monday, April 29, 2024

Today in the News - Tuesday, April 30, 2024

                         Today's Headlines

  1. 'Must Eliminate Hamas at Any Cost': Israeli 'Shark' Voices on Gaza War in Post -
  2. Biden "Blesses" Abortion with Sign of the Cross -
  3. Why Are Billionaires Building Underground Bunkers? -
  4. Another Bank Bites the Dust - So Who Will Be the Next Dominoes to Fall? -
  5. 'Harassment: Feds Impose Trans Agenda on Employers for Pronouns, Bathrooms -
  6. Women Forced to Compete Against Men. Just Say No! -
  7. Another Ivy League Says They're Suspending Pro-Hamas Students -
  8. Earth Day - A Phony Holiday -
  9. Why Have Campuses Gone All in For Hamas? -


  1. FBI Colludes with Banks in Fascist Style Surveillance Operations -
  2. I Can't Keep This to Myself Any Longer - Michael Franzese
  3. Watch: Tucker Carlson: How AI Will Affect Work 
  4. What You're Not Suppose to Know About America's Founding -
  5. Professor David Clements: Unrigging National Elections -
  6. Watch: Tucker Carlson: Scariest, Most Important Criminal Case You've Never Heard of
  7. Journalists Boast They're Not for Democrats. Here are the Facts -
  8. 72 Types of Americans That Are Considered "Potential Terrorists" in Official Government Documents -
  9. Biden Looks to Sanction Elite IDF, Sparking Alarm Throughout Israel -
  10. Hugh Chunk of Gen Z: Israel Has No Right to Exist as a Nation in the Mideast -
  11. How Do You Solve a Problem Like Mike Johnson?
  1. David Stockman: The Rising Tide That Lifted All Yachts -
  2. Paul Craig Roberts: Biden: White Americans Are A Threat -
  3. Chuck Norris: If My 103 Year Old Mom Were President -
  4. Lew Rockwell: The Evil of War -
  5. Ben Shapiro: Joe Biden's Bluff has Been Called, Once Again -
  6. Tucker Carlson: The Real Reason Republicans Aren't Blocking the Invasion -
  7. Ron Paul: The Senate Calls Out Out of Control Spending a National Security Threat, Keeps Spending Anyway -
  8. Ann Coulter: NYC Subway: Where Safety is No. 30 or Something -
  9. Ann Coulter: The Beautiful Humanity of Death Row -
  10. John Stossel: '15 Days to Stop the Spread' -
  11. Katie Pavlich: White House Again Denies Brutal Reality of Electric Vehicles -
  12. Llewellyn: How the Democrats Plan to Steal the Election -
  13. Ron Paul: Final Nail in America's Coffin? -
 Yesterday's  Headlines
  1. The Marxists Come Out at George Washington University -
  2. By Any Measure in Human History, Israel Has the Right to Exist -
  3. Is China Rethinking its Invasion of Taiwan? -
  4. One University's Warning to Entitled Students: 'Pro-Terrorism Protests Will Not Be Tolerated' -
  5. Bill Maher Said What We're All Thinking Regarding These Pro-Hamas Clowns Blocking Traffic -
  6. Creator of West Wing Blames This Person for January 6, and it's Not Trump -
  7. Bill Barr Doubles Down on Supporting Trump in 2024, and CNN Can't Even -
  8. Notorious Abortion Business Denied Exemption from Health Standards -
  9. Israel Warns Hamas: Accept Hostage Deal, or We'll Enter Rafah -
  10. Do 'Scientists' Really Claim There's No Simple Answer to Define 'Woman?' -
  11. Holy Chatbot: Virtual AI Priest 'Father Justin' Who Believes He's Real and Can Absolve Your Sins Faces Backlash Over Bizarre Answers -

Science Simplified 4 All: Nuclear Bomb Explosion in a City | Stage-by-Stage Explanation with Real video Footage

Fetterman to JNS: I Fully Support Partnering with Israel to Bomb Iran's Nuclear Facilities  - ----------------- Recommended rea...