Monday, June 24, 2024

Today in the News - Tuesday, June 25, 2024

       Today's Headlines

  1. Scientific American: Homeschooling Parents Need to Undergo Background Checks -
  2. Trump 47's Agenda -
  3. It's Not Just Disney That's Refusing to Hire Whites, It's All of Them -
  4. Watch: CNN Cuts Off Trump Surrogate for Spilling the Beans About Jake Trapper -
  5. Supremes Agree to Take Up State's Ban on Child Sex-Change Procedures -
  6. Texas Logistics Company with 500 Drivers Abruptly Ceases Operations -
  7. Two Years After Dobbs, We Must Not Shrink Back from Fighting for Life -
  8. Biden (Supposedly) Sending F-16s to Be Stationed Inside Ukraine in Defiance of Russian Red Line -
  9. Our National Migration Crisis is Supercharging Homelessness All Over the United States -
  10. Supreme Court to Decide if Tennessee Can Ban Trans Surgeries for Kids -
  1. Chuck Baldwin: Congress Criminalizes the New Testament -
  2. Lew Rockwell: Slavery Re-Imposed -
  3. Chuck Norris: My New Action Movie Mirrors Real Life Dangers Today -
  4. Ron Paul: We Spent a Billion Dollars Fighting the Houthis - and Lost -
  5. Tucker Carlson: Erik Prince: NATO Vs Russia, The Secret of Drone Warfare, and CIA Corruption -
  6. Cal Thomas: When You Never Have to Say Sorry -
  7. Michael Snyder: Mass Exodus to Red States -
  8. Jerry Newcombe: The 'Death to America' Crowd -
  9. Anti-Liberty Conservatives Want More Theft -
  10. Sarah Arnold: 'Genocide Joe,' Biden's Chances of Re-Election Look Bleak -
  11. David Stockman: The Ukraine War Folly -
  12. Ben Shapiro: Joe Biden: Political Pinwheel -
  13. Betsy McCaughey: College Sides with Radicals and Students Be Damned -
  14. Ann Coulter: Stormy Daniels: The Rosa Parks of Porn Stars -
  15. Ann Coulter: Actually, Senator -
  16. Ann Coulter: How Liberals Pay Off Their Bimbos -
  17. John Stossel: Minimum Wage Folly -
  18. John Stossel: Success in Classrooms -
  19. Katie Pavlich: Is There Another Supreme Court Leaker? -
  20. Katie Pavlich: The Facts the White House Can't Censor Anymore -
  21. One Look at Biden's Top Advisor Explains His Support For Hamas -
 Earlier  Headlines
  1. Welcome to the Ten Commandments -
  2. War: What is it Good For? Money, Money, Money -
  3. Biden Admin Asked Amazon to Hide Vaccine-Critical Books During Pandemic -
  4. This Cannot Go On Forever -
  5. The Trump Rebate Rule Would Have Saved Seniors Billions; Biden Repealed it and Gave Millions to China -
  6. Biden's Crazy Talk on Ukraine - and Media Ignores It -
  7. Climate Cultists on the Loose -

Paul Craig Roberts: Artificial Intelligence is Bringing us the Communism, Marx, Engles, Lenin, Ma0 and Pol Pot Were Unable to Deliver

  Paul Craig Roberts: Artificial Intelligence is Bringing us the Communism, Marx, Engles, Lenin, Ma0 and Pol Pot Were Unable to Deliver  -  ...