- It Is Finished, by Pastor Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892)
- The Sufficiency of Christ's Death, by Rev. John Greer
- Jesus Paid it All, by Rev. Ian Brown
- Christ's Shout of Triumph! by Rev. L. W. Bilkes
- It Is Finished! by Rev. Cornelis (Neil) Pronk
- Jesus' Victory Shout: It Is Finished! by Rev. David Kranendonk
- The Gospel of Done, by Dr. David P. Murray
Tuesday, August 27, 2024
Daily Bible Verse for Wednesday, August 27, 2024
The following sermons are on John 19:30: “When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.”
Paul Craig Roberts: Artificial Intelligence is Bringing us the Communism, Marx, Engles, Lenin, Ma0 and Pol Pot Were Unable to Deliver
Paul Craig Roberts: Artificial Intelligence is Bringing us the Communism, Marx, Engles, Lenin, Ma0 and Pol Pot Were Unable to Deliver - ...
Today's Headlines: Excerpts for the Democrat to English Dictionary: Updated for 2023 - zerohedge.com Kim Calls for 'Exponential...
ChatGPT Broke the EU's Plan to Regulate AI - politico.com ----------------- Recommended reading: Pastor's View: Sermons Written...
Please Stop Rewriting History - Ben Shapiro Recommended reading: Scores Wait in Bitter DC Cold to Pay Respects to Jimmy Carter: 'An Hon...