Sunday, August 25, 2024

Today in the News - Monday, August 26, 2024

  Today's Headlines

  1. Rep. John J Duncan Jr.: US Calls for Ceasefire But Still Supports War -
  2. Katie Pavlich: The Fakest Convention Ever? -
  3. Katie Pavlich: Is Kamala Going to Get Away with This? - townhall. com
  4. The Dangerous Campaign of 'Joy' - townhall,com
  5. Ron Paul: Donald Trump Does Not Know the 'Correct' Interest Rate -
  6. Lew Rockwell: Why We Need Revisionist History -
  7. Tucker Carlson: Calley and Casey Means: The Truth About Ozempic, the Pill, and How Big Pharma Keeps You Sick -
  8. Tucker Carlson: Kamala Harris's DNC Speech (With Special Guest Jason Whitlock) -
  9. David Stockman: Hey Fed, More Cowbell! -
  10. Judge Napolitano: When President's Kill -
  11. Allen West: Duty, Honor, Integrity, Valor - Empty Words to the Democratic Party -
  12. Allen West: The Jolt Cola Effect of Kamala Harris -
  13. New York Times Columnist Maureen Dowd on Biden Ouster: 'A Coup is Still a Coup' -
  14. Cal Thomas: San Francisco Plus 40 -
 Earlier  Headlines

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