Sunday, August 18, 2024

Today in the News - Monday, August 19, 2024

      Today's Headlines

  1. Supreme Court Rejects Biden Regime's Request to Reinstate Radical Title IX Changes -
  2. The Dangerous Question of 2024 - What if Kamala Isn't an idiot? -
  3. Secret Service Agent Abandoned Her Post to Breastfeed -
  4. Comer Launches Probe into Governor Walz's Extensive Engagement with China and CCP Entities -
  5. Don't Be Food by the 'Propaganda Extravaganza' Coming to Chicago This Weekend -
  6. Watch Live: Leftists Protest In Chicago Ahead of DNC -
  7. Terrifying Development: New U.S. Army Policy Spells Trouble for Christians -
  8. It's Happening: Man Gets 3 Years Behind Bars For Comments Made on X -
  9. Will Democrats Repeat the Fraud of 2020 -
  10. Faking Reality is a Bad Idea -
  11. Harris Went on Stump Without Teleprompter, and Disaster Ensued -
  12. Kamala Wants Price Controls, and It's Not Because She Has "Good Intentions -
  1. Katie Pavlich: Is Kamala Going to Get Away with This? - townhall. com
  2. The Dangerous Campaign of 'Joy' - townhall,com
  3. Tucker Carlson: Calley and Casey Means: The Truth About Ozempic, the Pill, and How Big Pharma Keeps You Sick -
  4. Judge Napolitano: When President's Kill -
  5. Allen West: Duty, Honor, Integrity, Valor - Empty Words to the Democratic Party -
 Earlier  Headlines
  1. Western Battle Tanks Are Invading Russia. Sky News -
  2. IDF Has its Boots on Hamas' Throat, But Washington is the Biggest Barrier to to Success, Warns Former British Army Officer -
  3. Drone Footage from Rafah: IDF Destroys 50 Hamas Tunnels Routes in a Week -
  4. How the Republicans Can Win the Election -
  5. America Has Only 2 Religion: Democrat and Republican -
  6. Sensitivity Training From the Left -
  7. X Bans Naomi Wolf After Interviewing Alex Jones Exposing Multiple White House Coups Currently Under Way -
  8. Peace is Not on the  Ballot in November -
  9. Trump, Economic Experts Blast Kamala's Economy Scheme as 'Absolute Socialism' -
  10. From Stolen Valor to 'White Guy' Tacos, Walz is a True Phony Baloney -
  11. National Polls Show Harris Isn't Doing That Well After All -

Science Simplified 4 All: Nuclear Bomb Explosion in a City | Stage-by-Stage Explanation with Real video Footage

Fetterman to JNS: I Fully Support Partnering with Israel to Bomb Iran's Nuclear Facilities  - ----------------- Recommended rea...