Sunday, September 15, 2024

"Congratulations on Becoming the Richest Man in the World," Says JP Morgan to Andrew Carnegie in 1901

 "Congratulations on Becoming the Richest Man in the World," Says JP Morgan to Andrew Carnegie in 1901 -


Recommended reading: Warren Buffett: 10 Things Poor People Waste Money On -


I did a quick Google search on Warren Buffet and found out he is 94 years old and has a net worth of $146 billion. Here is a quote from Warren Buffet: "You don't get paid for activity. You only get paid for being right."

I just hope Warren Buffet gets it right when it comes to our Lord Jesus and where his soul is going to spend eternity. 

Recommended sermon: What is it Profited...? by Rev. Roger Higginson

The text for this sermon is Matthew 16:26: "For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?"

United Nations Renews Push for Globalized Digital Marking System to Deal with 'Emergencies'

United Nations Renews Push for Globalized Digital Marking System to Deal with 'Emergencies'  - ---------------- Reco...