The Problem with Pokémon and Pokémon Go, by Sean E. Harris
Recommended sermons and podcasts:
- The New Age Movement, by Rev. Colin Mercer
- How Does a Christian Evaluate Witchcraft, Fantasy, Yoga, and Science? by Pastor Kevin Swanson [Text: I Samuel 28 (2012)
- Principalities and Haunted Houses, by Pastor Mike Hoggard
- Satan's Temptation of Eve, by Rev. Cornelis (Neil) Pronk [Text: Genesis 2:15-3:6
- Halloween - What's Behind the Mask? by Jim Schneider [Crosstalk America]
- Satan Considering the Saints, by Pastor Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892)
- Colossians 2:1-15, by Rev. Paul den Butter
- A Christian Response to the Salem Witch Trials, by Rev. Matthew Trewhella [Text: Acts 19:11-19]