Monday, March 3, 2025

Daily Bible Reading for Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The following Bible readings are taken from the website, If you follow this reading plan you will read through the whole Bible in one year. I highly encourage you to do so. Also, the sermons below each section are ones that I have chosen from the website,

Recommended sermons: 
  1. The Camp of God, by Rev. Reginald Cranston [Text: Numbers 2]
  2. The Ordering of the Church by the King, by Rev. David Silversides [Text: Numbers 2]
  3. The Tribe That Served the Lord, by Rev. David Kranendonk [Text: Numbers 3]
  4. The Levite, by Rev. John Greer [Text: Numbers 3:5-13]

Recommended sermons on Mark 11 & 12:
  1. The Fruitless Fig Tree, by Rev. John Greer [Text: Mark 11]
  2. The Lord Hath Need of You, by Rev. Stephen Hamilton [Text: Mark 11]
  3. Jesus, the King, Enters Jerusalem, by Pastor Carl A. Schouls [Text: Mark 11:1-11; Luke 19:41-44]
  4. The Untamed Colt, By Rev. Thomas Martin [Text: Mark 11:1-11]
  5. The Wicked husbandman, by Rev. Thomas Martin [Text: Mark 12]
  6. The Final Message of Mercy, by Rev. Ian Brown [Text: Mark 12:6-9]
Recommended sermon: 
  1. Jesus Rides Up to Heaven, by Pastor Joel Overduin [Text: Psalm 47; Luke 24:36-53]
  2. Rejoicing in the Awesome Reality That Right Now Jesus is the King of All Kings, by Pastor Joel Overduin [Text: Psalm 47; Revelation 19:11-16]

Sermons on Proverbs 10:

  1. The Bible's Perspective on Summer Time?! by Rev. Hans Overduin (Text: Proverbs 10:5)
  2. Christ Manifests Himself to His People, He Does Not Reveal Himself Unto the World, by Pastor Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892) (Text: Proverbs 10:7; John 14:22)
  3. John Calvin - The Man, by Rev. Stephan Hamilton (Text: Proverbs 10:7)
  4. Luther After a Diet of Worms, by Rev. Stephan Hamilton (Text: Proverbs 10:7)

The Truth About the Confederate Battle Flag

  The Truth About the Confederate Battle Flag , by Pastor John Weaver ------------------------ Recommended video: Answers of Genesis: Bible ...