Monday, March 10, 2025

Daily Bible Reading for Tuesday, March 11, 2025

  The following Bible readings are taken from the website, If you follow this reading plan you will read through the whole Bible in one year. I highly encourage you to do so. Also, the sermons below each section are ones that I have chosen from the website,

Sermon on Numbers 15 & 16:
  1. Tassell Theology, by Dr. Michael Barrett [Text: Numbers 15:37-41]
  2. The Pit, The Plague, The Bud, by Dr. Michaell Barrett [Text: Numbers 16 & 17]

Recommended sermons on Mark 15:
  1. Man of Sorrows, by Pastor Joel Overduin [Text: Mark 15:1-15; Lamentations 1:12-22]
  2. Jesus Tried in a Wicked Court, by Rev. Clayton Spronk [Text: Mark 15:1-5]
  3. Jesus' Refusal to Drink Wine Mixed With Myrrh, by Rev. Henk Bergsma [Text: Mark 15:1-25; Mark 15:23]
  4. Barabbas for Barabbas, by Rev. Foppe VanderZwaag [Text: Mark 15:15]

Sermon on Psalm 54:
  1. Psalm 54, by Rev. William Macleod [Text: Psalm 54]
  2. The Lord's Desire For My Enemies, by Rev. Michael Fineout [Text: Psalm 54:7]

Recommended Sermons Proverbs 11:
  1. Riches Profit Not! by James Hamilton, The Street Preacher [Text: Proverbs 11:4]

Presidents, Politics & Prophecy

  Presidents, Politics & Prophecy , by Jim Schneider of Crosstalk America