Monday, March 17, 2025

Socialist French Lawmakers Demands US Return Statute of Liberty

 Socialist French Lawmakers Demands US Return Statute of Liberty -


President Trump should tell France to "Come and Get it", right after he Gets the U.S. out of NATO!

Recommended reading: Ann Coulter (2012): One July 4, Remember: We're not French 

Here is a short excerpt from this article: "Among the most famous quotes from the American Revolution is Patrick Henry's 'Give me liberty or give me death!' Among the most famous slogans of the French Revolution is that of Jacobin Club 'Fraternity or death,' recast by Nicolas-Sebastien de Chamfort, a satirist of the revolution, 'Be my brother or I'll kill you.'"

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Daily Quote for Tuesday, March 18, 2025

"Stop and ask yourself, 'What am I doing? You will be dead long before this world is ever put right. What therefore will happen t...