Thursday, August 25, 2022

"In reality, they're not after me, they're after you. I'm just in the way!" - Donald Trump

 I saw a lady walking with a sign around her neck. The sign quoted from the song, Bad Boys and ended with the word - Trump ("Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when they come for you, bad boys? - Trump!")

That reminded me of another sign when Donald Trump was president. The sign quoted Trump as saying, "In reality, they're not after me, they're after you. I'm just in the way!"

You can be sure Mr. Biden is not hiring the 87,000 gun-toting IRS agents to go after Trump!

My Picks from Sermonaudio for Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Transgendering and Women in Combat - Both an Abomination to God , by Pastor Kevin Swanson Biden Fell Apart at Debates , by Adam McManus of W...