Friday, August 26, 2022

Today in History - August 27

              A special thanks to for following historical information. The sermons I have chosen from

August 27

1991 - Moldova declares independence from the USSR 

95 Years Ago, The USSR Was Formed. Let's Look at the Numbers -

Excerpt from this article:

"According to “The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression,” a text considered the standard recollection of the USSR’s atrocities, 20 million perished as a result of Stalin’s targeted killings, forced labor, famine, and collectivization. These numbers were confirmed by a major Soviet newspaper in 1989...An estimate cited by the libertarian magazine Reason puts the total number of people killed because of communism from 1900 to 2000 at a staggering 94 million — making it by far the bloodiest ideology in recent history."

Recommended podcast: America Vs Soviet Union: How to Destroy a Nation, by Pastor Kevin Swanson


Nor should we forget the American banks and businesses that have supported the communists over the years. For more on this, read Gary Allen's None Dare Call it Conspiracy (1971)

Paul Craig Roberts: Artificial Intelligence is Bringing us the Communism, Marx, Engles, Lenin, Ma0 and Pol Pot Were Unable to Deliver

  Paul Craig Roberts: Artificial Intelligence is Bringing us the Communism, Marx, Engles, Lenin, Ma0 and Pol Pot Were Unable to Deliver  -  ...