Sunday, August 28, 2022

Today in History - August 29

               A special thanks to for following historical information. The sermons I have chosen from

August 29

1831 - Michael Faraday discovers electromagnetic induction.

Recommended radio drama: Michael Faraday [Bob Jones University students and faculty]

1966 - The Beatles perform their last concert before paying fans at Candlestick Park in San Francisco.

1997 - Netflix is launched as an internet DVD rental service.

Netflix Show 'Sex Education' - A New Low For Teen-Geared Shows -

Excerpt from this article:

"In the last 2 years, Netflix has pumped out many graphic original series like '13 Reasons Why,' which glamorizes suicide and has been linked to several teen deaths. The worst so-called puberty-geared show 'Big Mouth' is also a very graphic adult cartoon watched by millions of young people. 'Riverdale' season 3 just kicked off last fall, and their trailer depicts witchcraft and end with a scene of potential baby sacrifice. And these are all top shows watched by teens in America."

Recommended reading:

What to Do if You Suspect a Child is Being Sexually Abused

Recommended sermons and podcasts:

Paul Craig Roberts: Artificial Intelligence is Bringing us the Communism, Marx, Engles, Lenin, Ma0 and Pol Pot Were Unable to Deliver

  Paul Craig Roberts: Artificial Intelligence is Bringing us the Communism, Marx, Engles, Lenin, Ma0 and Pol Pot Were Unable to Deliver  -  ...